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 The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)

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PostSubject: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:35 am


Y'know, it's always been my lucky number. I've always won battles unscathed when I fight eight opponents, eight is usually one of the numbers on my fortune cookie paper-things, not to mention that the best years of my life have always been either a multiple of eight or have an eight in them. Whatever the case, eight has always just been a good number for me. So when I was told to go out into the world and bring together a group of heroes to save the world, I knew that I needed to find eight of them. One for each element... They must be able to work together. I won't be able to lead them the entire way. 

And will they be able to stay together (and not kill each other) without my astounding luck and amazing persuasive abilities? Because, if they cannot... 

We are all doomed.

Welcome to the world of Saodin!

A world of mystical arts and armies, of beings both mundane and fantastical, of heroes and villains! Before we go any further, I am sure you have some questions. For starters, the person who was giving us our intro? He goes by a few names, including the Crimson Demon and the Guardian of Flame, but to those who know him by more than his reputation, he is Joshua. Some claim he is a descendant of the Elves from long ago, while others say he is one of the few gods who still wanders the planet. However, all can agree that he is a being who relies almost too much on his luck, spends too much money on his favorite drink (moonshine), and... Is an absolute terror in battle. 

Another question you might have is what the elements Joshua mentioned are. Well, that's a rather simple question to answer. There are eight different elements (Joshua's favorite number will appear often throughout this), and... Well, here. I'll go into a little bit of detail on them, including their uses by mages:

The Eight Magics

One of the four basic elements, fire is... Well, rather basic. Mages who utilize this magic tend to have a temper, but are generally very powerful offensively. Some mages choose to complement this magic with a weapon of their choosing, although swords are rather popular. Fire Mages either complement Water Mages or clash with them, although usually the latter. The master form of this element is Lightning. 

Another of the base elements. Few mages use this magic for offense, preferring to use water's healing and calming properties to help others. Water Mages tend to be calmer and more relaxed than the other types of Mages. They will either complement Fire Mages and keep them in line, or clash horribly with them. Staves tend to be their favored weapon. The master forms of this element are Ice and Plant. 

Yet another of the base elements (don't worry, only one more after this one). Air Mages are generally... A little bit crazy , but the are kind and gentle people all the same. Unlike the Fire and Water Mages, Air Mages and Earth Mages generally get along, although they prefer the company of other people. If they wield a weapon, most like to have a bow in hand. The master form of this element is Flight. 

The last, and sometimes thought of as being tied with Fire for first most powerful base element, base element. Earth Mages are generally relaxed, wise, and quiet. Unlike the other basic element Mages, Earth Mages cannot just conjure up their element, but, unlike the others, are not just limited to one kind of 'earth' (the ground beneath their feet and a clay pot are both underneath their power). Weapons for them are usually limited to their fists, although some will wield axes. The master forms of this element are Sand and Metal. 

This element is rather odd, as it takes some stuff from the others, while also being much different. Like Fire Mages, Light Mages can generate light (wow, who would have thought of that?), but not heat. They can heal like Water Mages, but not quite as thoroughly. However, their redeeming quality is that they have the ability to form solid weapons out of light, although new Light Mages often have difficulty with this. Most Light Mages become priests or bishops later in life, and generally are a spiritual bunch. Light has no master form, but instead is the best class for combatting monsters. 

Dark is a strange element. Those who use it have a tendency to be evil, whether straight-up evil or evil like politicians. This element allows the wielders to harness the shadows around them and turn them into deadly weapons, making them excellent assassins... Dark Mages and those with an affinity for Dark just tend to not be good people. If I haven't made that clear yet, I'm not sure I will. Dark has no master form, instead, it is strong against Light. 

The element of those living things. Wielders of this magic are as varied as life itself. They can breath life into golems, talk to other species (SQUIRRELS!), and even make plants grow! Bio's master forms are Animal Control and Plant Control. 

Perhaps the most strange and least understood magic (most likely because it was only discovered about 50 years ago), Aura harnesses one's... Well, aura for use in magic. Those with a stronger aura, whether it be dark and evil, light and good, or green and minty, can use their aura to create walls of magic, weapons, and much more. They can also read the aura's of others, which can help determine what others may be feeling. The master form of Aura is thus far unknown. 


Ah, yes. Recently (like, for only a week), monsters have been appearing all over Saodin. They are terrorizing the towns and villages, destroying families and farms, and are thus far basically, as far as we know, an unstoppable plague on the land. Why they are appearing and why they are appearing now is thus far unknown. 

Death Hound
The most common of the monsters, the Death Hounds appear as regular grey wolves at first, but, when you get closer, you will notice they are bigger, travel in smaller packs, have glowing red veins... And they can shoot flames from their mouths. A good way to know if there are any nearby is to check the ground for their tracks, as they have six claws and bigger paws than other wolves. 

The Graal are a strange bunch. They are freakishly intelligent floating eye balls, and are the only monsters to wield magic (they generally only use Dark magic, but that's about it). If you see one, you can expect other monsters nearby, as they usually travel with a group of other monsters, which they lead as strategists. 

Huge brutes with one eye. Yeah, you know these ones. They like clubs, axes... Well, any weapon that is big enough for them to use (which is why they usually just use clubs made from large trees they find. Some speculate that they are the same Cyclops from the old legends, those masters of the forge, turned evil from some horrible magic. And they are none too bright, either. Hard to hurt, too. 

Hideous forces of the night, with dark scaly skin, massive bat wings, claws, and barbed/spiked tails, demons are not to be confused with Demons. We aren't quite sure of the difference, but we assure you, the kind that is always capitalized is much different than the one that isn't. 

--More monsters will show up throughout the RP!--

The World

Saodin is a pretty big, diverse place. It's mostly just one huge continent, with islands surrounding it. But, for the sake of time (and my imagination), I will only be detailing the eight great magic cities. 

The unimaginatively-named City of Flame. It is built around a massive, inactive volcano in the very middle of Saodin. Fire Mages learn their craft here, in the Fire Temple within the inactive volcano. 

The great City of Water. Built on the western coast of Saodin, Aquila is one of the biggest port cities in the world. The Water Temple is built a few miles out to sea, on a large mountainous island with waterfalls and rivers. 

The great City of Air. Only easily accessible to Air Mages who have mastered flight. Those who have not mastered flight must either know someone who can fly or take the dangerous trek up the side of a massive mountain. The Air Temple is built at the very peak, whereas the city itself is built most of the way up around the mountain. 

The great City of Earth. Built underground by the Earth Mages, the city is quite possibly the largest in Saodin, with the tunnels and add-ons to the city making it almost the size of the main continent. The city itself is in a huge underground cavern built only a few miles away from Pyrolir. The Earth Temple is in the center of the city itself. 

Sola, the great City of Light and the capital of religion in Saodin. A relatively small town to the north comprised of only 8 temples and the homes of the priests and bishops who work in them, the only really big building is the ever-quiet Temple of Light. Only 24 students are admitted at one time, making this quite possibly the smallest of the Elemental Temples. 

Lunoli, the great City of Dark. Well... It's not really a city. It is comprised solely of the Temple of Dark, where Dark Mages are taught their Dark Arts. It is located deep within the southern mountains. 

Bioma, the great City of Bio. Built into the forest in eastern Saodin, Bioma is easy to miss if you are not specifically looking for it. One can tell that these people are one with nature, just from looking at they way they interact with those around them. The Temple of Bio is also called the Bioma Tree, the single largest tree in existence. Due to it's nature, the Bioma Tree is constantly shifting, the passages and rooms always in different locations. 

Aurial is the newest of the Great Cities, barely even a town 30 years ago. However, it is now the fastest growing city in Saodin, being a decent-sized city now. The Temple of Aura is located within the city, and, while being a a large building, nobody seems to know it's exact location. 

Character Sheet

Name: (Yes, this RP is a fantasy RP. But seriously, nothing too weird please.)
Gender: (Duh.)
Age: 16 (Sorry, but we need to be playing 16 year olds. At least for the Prologue.)
Magic: (Choose from the 8 listed above.)
Appearance: (Duh.)
Bio: (Yes, I feel your pain. I hate this part... But it is a necessary evil.)
Weapon of Choice: (Think medieval. Enchanted weapons are few and far between, unless you become talented enough to enchant your own weapon.)
Other: (Anything else?)


1.) You know the usual rules: No god-modding, no power-playing... Etc, etc.  
2.) Speaking of no power-playing, the Prologue characters, the Heroes of our story, have barely started their training when they are recruited to their destiny. So you will basically be starting with only the very basics of your branch of magic. 
3.) You read all the rules, and you will get a cookie!
4.) Or some pie. Pie's good too. 
5.) If you aren't completely sure about something, ask me. I am more than happy to answer your questions. 
6.) Please, remember something: If you somehow get yourself banned, please, realize that I have reasons. Oh, and if you get banned, you are banned also from the OOC as well as the IC. 
7.) Yes, we have a plot. But we can play this as a sandbox all the while! After the Prologue, at any rate. 
8.) If you honestly read all the rules, put '::::)' in the Other section of your character sheet.

Last edited by ArchDemon on Wed 29 Feb 2012, 7:39 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:36 am

The Deities

Ah, yes. Those all-powerful beings who shaped the world. Saodin runs off of a polytheistic outlook on their deities, and some believe that the gods still are among the mortals, making sure they are doing the right thing. 

Jaden, the Mercenary of Fire
The flame-haired God of Fire, and the most skilled in combat. None of the other deities are said to have been able to stand before him in might. Some legends say that he and the Crimson Demon are one and the same, although Joshua constantly denies it, saying people 'think too highly of him'. 

Marissa, the Sentinel of Water
The blue-haired Goddess of Water, and the gentlest of the deities. She acted as the peacekeeper between the deities, keeping them from killing each other when tensions were high. Some tales say that she now takes the form of an old woman who lives in the cold part of the world; the part of the world where all water flows from. 

Icarus, the Youth of Wind
Portrayed as a white-haired youth with wings, the God of Wind was the freest spirit amongst the gods, not really caring for the issues at hand, preferring to play games over listening to their conversations. His command over the winds of the world was believed to be phenomenal, being able to create a continent-wide twister if he ever got angry. Some believe he still runs among mortals as a poor, homeless boy without a care in the world. 

Donavon, the Silent Earth
Donavon, the ever-quiet and wise God of Earth. Portrayed as a muscular man in his twenties with dark brown hair. Donavon was believed to have been the eldest god, and thus is portrayed as being the head of the Council of the Gods. It is believed that he visits Saodin's King of Earth when there are world-threatening issues at hand to give him advice. 

Fen and Fey, the Twins of Light
The twins Gods of Light, portrayed as teenagers with angel wings and blond hair. Due to there being two Gods of Light, Fey is worshipped at the Temple of Fey in Sola, while Fen's temple is also used as the Temple of Light. All tales place them as the youngest of the deities, and some say that they wander with Icarus. 

Adriana, the Sorceress of Dark
The original Mage and Goddess of Dark, Adriana is believed to have been the deity who gave mortals magic. Depicted as a dark-skinned woman with long black hair, and as being the only truly evil deity. Although, you know, she's probably just misunderstood. Yeah...

Grace, the Young Bio
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I already used 'Youth'. Get over it. Anywho, Grace, the ever-happy and joyous Goddess of Bio. It is believed that it was she who planted life in Saodin, starting with the Bioma Tree. Most stories place this young goddess as still living within the Bioma Tree, although none can ever find her within the ever-twisting halls.

Accepted Sheets

Last edited by ArchDemon on Mon 30 Jan 2012, 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:41 am


The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) Saodin_map_by_legs250-d3jfp55

Frequently Asked Questions
(At this point, they should just be called 'Questions and their Answers, just so you guys can get some extra info'... Geez.)

Q: What's with the Prologue? How long will it be?

A: Well, this is a good question. The Prologue will mainly serve as an introduction to the plot (fancy that!), a way for the Heroes of this RP to meet each for the first time before the main RP begins, and... Well, just to set the scene before this completely opens up for non-Hero characters. As for length... It really depends. I don't plan on it being any longer than 12 to 18 pages, although this is only speculation.  

Q: How long does Magic training usually last?

It usually takes 16 or so years for almost-mastery, although tales have been heard of those with simply amazing potential taking as little as 8 years to perfect their craft.  Of course, anyone can leave after 8 years, as that is when they will have enough knowledge over their element so they don't accidentally destroy stuff. 

Q: How big is Saodin?

A: About twice the size of Earth. 

Q: How long after the Prologue will the main RP be?

A: Eight years. Funny how that number keeps showing up, isn't it? ... No? Well... Get over it. That number will keep showing up. 


Anywho, yeah. I was lazy and just copy-pasted this from it's original home. Might fix some typos later, but other than that... Why fix something if it isn't broken? PLEASE, DO NOT RESERVE HEROES. I know it's silly, but gog. If you people think you can reserve things, you procrastinate, and it's just. 8luh. Awful. If you do get through over half of your sheet and I find it acceptable, then I will consider allowing you to reserve that Hero spot; otherwise, nope.


Also want to make sure you all realize that this isn't some "oh ho, there are only eight spots and I missed them boohoo" RP. After the rather short Prologue (BECAUSE GOG I SCREWED UP LAST TIME I'M SORRY), we'll be accepting more characters. They just won't be as plot-important or powerful as the Heroes can be. Although, then again... Shade did have a rather plot-relevant character who wasn't a Hero last time. I guess that it just depends?

I really should stop writing when I'm sick; I can't make up my mind.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 5:42 pm

Oh god this looks awesome. I don't know how long it'll take me to get a sheet in, but first I'll have to choose between Air, Earth, Water, or Bio...
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 5:45 pm


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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 5:52 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 6:40 pm

Name: Geal Oliusia
Age: 16.1 (I had to think about this, hope it's okay.)
Magic: Light
Appearance: As far as her height and weight are concerned, she is fairly average for a 16 year old girl, though she's slightly more muscular from some training she has under taken growing up. Her light brown hair is kept short, and neatly kept away from her field of vision in a small pony tail. Her eyes are a fairly viberant green which appear fairly reflective in the sunlight. Her face is fairly clear of complexion problems, quite fortunate for her age. (and the hygine of the period) Her figure is otherwise fairly uninteresting, especially because she makes sure to wear a robe that makes her appear fairly genderless and otherwise like a non-descript person. The robe itself is white, with red trim along the outer edges, and is kind enough to come with a hood, and be made of wool, in the event it starts raining. She also makes sure to wear utalitarian leather boots, in the event she needs to go tromping around in said rain.
Bio: She was born to a small, farming family. She obviously, then, spent time helping her otherwise childless parents with tending to their crops, and occasionally, with the extermination of how does one say... unfavorable wild animals who liked to attack the families livestock. However, she didn't spend more than seven years of her life doing this, before it was discovered that she might have some latent magical ability, and was sent to the city of Sola with the entirety of her parent's savings being spent, so that she might have a chance to better herself as a mage of light. She showed enough promise, thankfully, to get accepted into the school, where she has been training her magical ability ever since, though she always tries to keep herself atleast slightly physically fit, as no mage should ever need to rely on help to solve simple problems in her opinion.
Weapon of Choice: Morningstar
Other: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) Large and incharge. ;D

Well... well this came out... I appologize, it's really, really bad... (Though I think an improvement over last time's, if that helps.)

Last edited by SirJi on Mon 30 Jan 2012, 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 6:48 pm

I'd accept it if there wasn't a... Oh hey look, it's good.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 7:12 pm

Yay, I'm not useless.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 7:37 pm

Torn between Dark and Earth.

On the one hand, a temptor or rogue is appealing, but on the other...ebing able to conjure up sandstorms would be pretty damn cool.

And Fire's Master form is just plain badass. Very few problems cannot be solved with a direct application of friggin lightning.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:25 pm

See, I give you people the basics and all of a sudden sandstorms and lightning everywhere.


I'm going to have to make a Dr. Evil character now.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:33 pm

Is Dark going to have a useful master ability this time?

Name: Tamuz
Gender: M
Age: 16 (Ah, I see what you did there)
Magic: Darkness
Appearance: Tamuz is five feet five inches tall, with the pale skin of someone who doesn't see the sun much. Everything about him is in varying shades of black or gray. His hair is jet black and cut chin-length. His close-fitting robes are charcoal gray with pencil lead-gray trim. His belt is black with an black iron buckle. Even his eyes are curiously black (although from certain angles, they just look like a really really dark blue). He wears black leather ghillies (simply made one-piece leather shoes held together by their lacing; very comfortable, very quiet) and pale gray leg wraps. Actually, there is one thing that isn't black. His hand wraps. They're crimson.
Bio: It all started with Tamuz's mother. (No duh.) You see, she was unable to bear children, so she prayed to Grace to give her a son. But she didn't get Grace on the other end of that prayer; she got Adriana instead. Adriana said that if she would give her the child to be raised in the temple, she would give her a son. Tamuz's mother consented, and the pact was made. Nine months later, Tamuz was delivered to the temple. There, he was trained/raised (same difference, really) in a very much Shaolin-esque fashion, initially in preparation to become a temple guard. But he showed a surprising amount of cunning, brutality, and traits that in general one wouldn't want to hone in a kid - that is, unless you were grooming him for a job with the temple of darkness. So, hey worked himself up to some higher-level training, and that's pretty much his life now. He's looking forward to getting out of the training and on to beating some stuff up for the glory of Adriana.
Weapon of Choice: Chain whips; meteor hammers/manriki-gusari also work, but the chain whip is what he normally carries. He'll graduate to double chain whips after the prologue.
Other: ::::) It's a happy spider! (Legs edit: Hero of Dark)
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Jan 2012, 9:50 pm



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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 01 Feb 2012, 5:12 pm

aura kthxbai
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 01 Feb 2012, 5:24 pm


Didn't I say no reserving? Gog damn people.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 01 Feb 2012, 5:28 pm

not reserving

stating that's what am makin.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 01 Feb 2012, 5:40 pm

Oh okay. Sorry.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeSat 04 Feb 2012, 4:11 pm

Hey look I can use Copy Paste too.

Name: Aecor
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Magic: Water
Appearance: Aecor is tallish with blond hair. He wears a white robe which is embroidered in the back with two intertwined snakes, probably to represent the push and pull of the ocean, though only he could tell you what it means for sure. For some reason he wears black gauze around his right hand, though he most certainly is not injured, why his right hand? Probably because he is right handed. He isn't particularly strong, but not weak either, just pretty average. When he was working he wa usually constantly drenched in water.
Bio: Aecor comes from a dock city built on a sandbar. Its basically a series of platforms connected to the floor with large beams. The platforms are connected to each other via rope bridges. Pretty much everyone that lives there works as a fisher of some sort, whether it be simple fishing or deep sea. When Aecor turned 15 his friends and family put him through the unofficial coming of age ceremony which consisted of throwing him off the dock and into the ocean. The town, if you would even call it that, itself is actually incredibly small. Theres maybe 7ish family's that live on it and the size of the place is maybe slightly smaller than a housing development block.
One of the other traditions of the town is that when a boy turns 15 his father teaches him to sail. So well yeah he learned to sail. I probably forgot to mention that Aecor was BORN on this dock. He had NEVER seen land besides the small sandbar the city is built on. The only people he has ever met are the family's that live on the dock too and he knows all their names. I guess you could say that he is a bit ignorant about everything, he's never seen any bad things happen, or anything. I guess you could say he'd been living in his own little paradise. About 5 weeks ago Aecor's Father told him it was time he learned to be a mage and told him that when he was his age his parents told him to pack his stuff and go on an adventure to the city of Aquilla. So Aecor went, it took him 3 weeks of toilsome sailing until he saw land for the first time. You could say it blew him away. He eventually began his training and that was that.
Weapon of Choice: Dual Chakrams (Don't ask me why, but they are awesome.)
Other: :::;) Now give me my cookie!
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The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeSun 05 Feb 2012, 1:02 pm

Name: Cain

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Magic: Dark


Cain has a gaunt, emaciated look about him. His jawbone protrudes slightly , and his chin has the faintest trace of hair growing on it. Stubble has sprouted up and down his jaw, but he sadly has yet to develop a mustache. His left eye is a dark brown, and his right eye is concealed by an eyepatch. His teeth are slightly crooked, and upon closer inspection look a bit sharper than they should.
He is rather lanky, and if his naked body is viewed, he’s a bit underfed. His hair is too long, mainly in the back but just long enough in the front to be annoying. At least, it was. The front has a rather jagged haircut from where he sliced his locks off with a dagger. Barbers be damned.
He normally wears plain dark brown or black robes, although enjoys having a hooded cape. Typically, the hood is down, but at night he flips it up. It’s…comforting. He has a rather nice pair of boots that he takes good care of, perhaps because decent medieval footwear is hard to come by. Hanging from his belt is a dagger, which is curved and serrated. It’s rather menacing, and he usually tucks it away to avoid awkward stares.
He moves slowly, looking all around as he does so. There is normally the faintest of smiles on his face, but it doesn’t ever seem joyful. If you look into his eye while he’s smiling, it seems more of a smug grin.
From a young age, Cain was fascinated by alcohol. The way that a few drinks could make a man lose his inhibitions, a shot could bring off a woman’s clothes (and her dignity, subsequently), how the wisest and fairest would be the most base and vulgar. He managed to get a job working with a bartender, sweeping floors and cleaning up blood and vomit from bar fights. It was rather sickening work, yes, but the pay was decent and he got to view mankind at its worse. Watch chaos unfold, watch people dissolve.
He took an interest in how things fell apart, and how they went back together. He’d sit in the shadows and watch the sober go into complete drunken revelry. He’d notice the trends of ex-lovers’ sob stories, or what could really get a man angry. It fascinated him, the way it worked. Perhaps, in a way, he was a psychologist.

More likely a sadist…if there’s a difference.
Cain found he had a slight talent for Dark magic, and kept it mostly to himself. Nights when the bar was going slow, and the barkeep was out, he’d make wagers. He’d know when the regulars were drunk enough to be terrible at cards or dice or when the whores were pathetic enough to spare him a few extra coin for a tip.
He found himself slowly almost becoming nocturnal. Something about the darkness appealed to him. The full moon. The shadows. The howls of wolves in the distance and the cessation of life. At night, he felt alive.
Things seemed to become more alive. In the early hours of the morning, when the drunks had staggered off to their homes and the barkeep fell asleep, exhausted, he’d work his talent. He couldn’t do much, at first, but slowly began to grow (Let me know to what extent dark magic extends, by the way. I don’t want to godmod here). He began to find he could do trickier things. When people sat in the shadows, he could toy with them a bit better. When someone closed their eyes, for a split second, and all they saw was darkness…he could’ve sworn if he tried hard enough, he could make them flinch. Fear something.
Then, however, he started to lose it a bit.
It really only started on the winter solstice. Darkest of the day of the year. Festival in his town, as it would turn out, and the bar was overflowing with activity. Cain kept feeling this strange…tug. A pull. Some kind of magnetism drawing him away. He slipped out when his boss wasn’t looking.
The darkness, all around…it was a new moon. Most of the torches had burned down. He felt this weird tingling, a kind of electric charge run through him. He moved further and further into the shadows, getting to as dark a place as he could. The pulsation felt better. He hadn’t tried his magic in a while, but he did it and it was near effortless. He made a small ball of shadow, and with the slightest of strain he solidified it. He hadn’t been able to do that before-ever. He hurled it at a tree and snapped off a branch.
Suddenly, he began to hear something. He passed it off as a drunken man’s singing, but it persisted. He realized it wasn’t from the outside. It was from the inside. There was a whispering in his head, impossible to understand.

This was when Cain was 14. The intensity of that rush caused him to pass out, and when he woke up in the woods the next day, he could only remember glimpses. Another year came and went, and Cain tried (and, more often than not, failed) to hone his talent. He considered moving to Lunoli, where he could truly be taught, but the barkeep was rather selfish, and Cain was hardly breaking even in terms of profits.
Eventually, however, he began to hear the whispers in his head again. At times he was disoriented, confused. He couldn’t tell where he was at times, and at several points the barkeep inquired as to his strange behaviours. He found himself obsessing over the smallest of things. When the last patron left, he had to put out all the candles as quick as he could (not like he had problems getting around in the dark). He found himself talking to no one on several occasions-when he wasn’t working, he holed himself in his room, making the shadows dance (as much as he could).
The whispers started back as the winter solstice came round again-his powers had been waning for quite a while, but now they felt…stronger. Growing. When the night came, he could finally understand the whispers. ADRIANAADRIANAADRIANAADRIANAADRIANA.
The barkeep. The barkeep…wretched, evil man. Sick. Absuing him. Starving him. The guests were few and far between. The festival fell on a different eve this year.
The whispers were TEARING OPEN HIS SKULL. The shadows started melting. They became people. ADRIANA. What was with these cretins, they treated him like SCUM, no one liked him.
The look on the barkeep’s face was PRICELESS. As the darkness twisted around his hand and ADRIANA grabbed his wrist and plunged the dagger through his eye socket. He pulled it out.
The voices were a symphony now, louder than anything. The whispers drowned out everything. He fell down, clutching at his skull until it bled. It was painful ,now, where before it was ecstatic. ADRIANA. ADRIANA. ADRIANA.
The knife melted into oblivion. The voices stopped, suddenly, and Cain almost cried. They told him he must atone for Adriana. That he must pay an eye for an eye.
Cain clawed his eye out. It burst into shadow, but suddenly, suddenly the voices were…distant. And his bloody eye, it was like he could…SEE. Things made sense. Things felt normal. He didn’t feel as drained, the shadows were inside of him now, you see, because now he only SAW shadow. He asked quietly for Adriana, and the voices came back. He felt something sew over his eye, then gently felt it. A patch. A cloth patch.
He left it there. To Lunoli he began, mere hours later.
Since, the whispers have been off and on. The shadows always bring them out, but they don’t hurt Cain anymore.
Weapon of Choice: Cloak and dagger. Poison. He dislikes upfront combat, and is quite skilled at sneaking around. He’s quite charismatic when he needs to be, and can hide his mental instabilities quite well. Whether it is merely schizophrenia or Adriana physically using him can be up to you, but either way he can be quite persistent when it comes to his goal. If his goal is to kill someone, his willpower will stop when he’s dead, or his enemy is. Determination to the point of idiocy.
Other: If you would prefer it NOT be Adriana, I will read up on schizophrenia and do my best to convey it accurately, lest Osaka devour my soul.
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The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 29 Feb 2012, 7:49 pm

Okay so I'm reviving this. PHOENIX DOWN BITCHES!

Let's see... Shade, I assume that you are trying to make the Hero of Dark. Great sheet... But I'm afraid Eo got his together beforehand (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY beforehand, actually)... So the spot goes to him. Sorry Shade.

I'll be running around and checking character sheets so I might actually get around to adding them to the OP (or one of the reserves)! Yipee.


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The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 29 Feb 2012, 7:54 pm


I'll start on my sheet while I still have time left to justify procrastinating on homework.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 29 Feb 2012, 8:15 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeWed 29 Feb 2012, 8:50 pm

Wait how many sheets are in do you need one more should I make one I think I should anyway but I don't know until someone tells me what to do because that's how I roll.

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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeThu 01 Mar 2012, 11:23 am

Woo, this is back!
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitimeThu 01 Mar 2012, 6:50 pm

*Pushes Mata like a cheese wheel*

Go Mata.
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PostSubject: Re: The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.)   The Eight (Copied and pasted from the Sporum. Because screw it, I'm lazy.) I_icon_minitime

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