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 Yami Aku

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Yami Aku Empty
PostSubject: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 3:30 pm

Here's me planting the seeds of my blossoming burden.


The finicky, flickering, fires that lights the realm of demons and monsters glow sporadically. The hot, red, harvest moon glimmers through the poisoned sky and licks the skin of the world’s unearthly denizens. This once was a flourishing land, filled with magic and sweet aromas, and songs sung by colorful birds. This once was a land whose waters of life glistened, caressed by the silver scales of fish who often spoke in riddles. Now naught but a speck of hell that permeates from a half-acre of scorched and twisted land. Now plants are burned right down to the roots, ash has replaced the dirt and the blood continues to boil inside charred corpses. Now the fires whisper only false promises, and beguiled lies.

Creatures of all sorts inhabit this unstable land; which is capable of collapsing in on itself at a moment’s notice. Twisted portals litter the land, mercilessly destroying the land around them, created through some form of foul power that reeks of rot. Who can help but be cowed by an indomitable force?

A gateway constructed of blackened bones, and red as devil’s fire lies in the eye of the storm, all black clouds, red lightning and embers threatening to tear this alien world apart. The thunder of the storm is replaced by screams as each bolt strikes like an arrow into the hearts of sentient creatures. Unshakable dread of impending doom crawls beneath the skin of this land’s denizens, replacing all normal emotion.

Otherworldly beings of all kinds gather round one of these twisted portals: winged tengus, silent wraiths, from kin of the earthen soil to the mischievous imps. No single being dared to be the first to take a step towards the gateway.

“Send the wraith,” one imp sneered, “they claim to be so powerful; so invulnerable.”

The soulless creature hissed in spite at the little red rodent. “This has been crafted by a magic far darker than your kind would ever be capable of weaving, imp.” the wraith responded, with its patronizing voice echoing, pulsing, through the air around them. It was hollow without any flicker of emotion.

One of the more sarcastic, arrogant creatures, a tengu, began to speak. “Well then, it’s fortunate we all love being slaughtered in droves. I sure hope someone doesn't step up and try to figure out how this accursed gateway works.”

“It’s a gateway,” another Tengu spoke up to answer the first, “how do you think it works?”

“You insolent piece of shit! I meant that we’d get some fool to step up there first and see if they get incinerated.” The first tengu squawked back in irritation.

“If you’re looking for a fool, then by all means, feel free to step up first.” Proposed a mighty stone golem.

“Shut it!” roared a deep, monstrous voice that shook the hearts of the small. In heavy footsteps from the back, the king of beasts himself approached. He who was covered in thick shaggy fur and like a mantle, surmounted by massive horns, and bared threatening claws and fangs. Madrid Haat was a minotaur, but a minotaur like none other. His massive form was tone with thick and stringy muscle, his eyes glowed of hatred dwarfing all other minotaurs at at least twice their size.. He was touched by foul magic, leaving him hungry for conflict. Whether his very presence commanded authority or fear was unclear; it was all too similar. He commanded both nonetheless, whether it be from his own kind, or species other.

“I’ve about had it with you tiny, whimpering quims! Stand aside!”

Just like that, a space was cut through the crowd to let the monster pass. Embers and charcoals were crushed beneath the king’s hooves. He marched on through the twisted land, trailed by the odor of singed hair. The minotaur’s eyes gazed into the gateway, and he fearlessly stepped through the burning portal.

What he saw next was not a desolate twisting wasteland, nor was he standing on shards of ember. Nay, here he stood on the balcony of a mountain that overlooked the green alien landscape of another world. He breathed in the rich stench of this new foreign land and grimaced. This place seemed to lack the scent of sulfur that was ever-so-abundant on the other side of the gateway. He took in another deep breath, and this time, he smelled something rancid. Looking down, he noticed the blackened corpse of a small humanoid lying in a pool of blood that slowly oozed and dripped from the black clouds high above.

The king stuck his hand through the gateway once more and instead of feeling the pulsing, hot, tingling sensation he felt before; this time... this time, all he could feel was fire! It burned! He quickly took his hand back and roared in agony before taking a look at his injured hand. It was blackened and scorched like the onyx bones before him. He looked at the portal and growled. There was no way back; and no reason to. He turned his gaze back at the green lands stretched before him. His old home’s destruction was imminent, and as he gazed upon the forests that stretched far and wide, and the resources that was provided to him… this would be the perfect time and place to wage war.

No other being had dared to be the first to take a step towards the gateway; save for the ambitious King of Beasts himself who marched ahead to wage war upon the human race. While he may be the largest threat anyone in this new land may have to face, he is but a puppet of the true mastermind who tugs upon the strings of fate of two intertwined worlds.


Yami Aku is more or less a remake of a horrifically horrible roleplay I made a long while back (which I recommend that you do not look up), and looking back, I realized that it showed promise, and given the correct amount of effort put into it, it could actually become great. So voila, here we are. The roleplay will take place will take place at least a couple weeks after the writing above where Madrid Haat, the King of Beasts (officially being the top of the hierarchy of minotaurs, but has since gained interracial fear and respect) stepped from a twisted portal from Yami Aku into Krolin, a human populated world (where we’re presently centered around two continents “Galiea” and “Akiran”). “Yami Aku” is in the name given to the “demon realm” by mankind, in the “demon’s” tongue, they have been calling their world Nede since the First Age up to the Seventh. Anyways, Madrid appears in medieval Krolin at an inconvenient time for the locals, because of the high tension between Galiea, the main power in the world, and Akiran, one of the wealthiest countries with a thriving economy. War isn’t upon the countries just yet, and it may never come to that with the “invasion” taken into consideration. It all depends on how the story will play out.

You are capable of playing a human by default, and a demon, which is trickier to get by. As playing as a human, you don’t have to prove much to me. But if you wish to play as a demon, I am going to have to trust you with that privilege. The best way to earn my trust (besides having my trust beforehand) is to make a fantastic character sheet. Make it believable, make it good and detailed, and make it lengthy, just because. But if it turns out its lengthy and crappy, and that you wasted my time, you’re probably going to lose points. You might also lose points if I have to tell you to change your sheet, especially more than once. Human characters are a necessity though, so I would allow two characters: a demon and a human.

Okay, assuming you happen to get a demon past me, how should you play? For the most part, no demons besides Madrid are completely convinced that they want to invade the world and ransack villages because it is fun. No, Yami Aku is dying, slowly being destroyed by some outside force. The world’s residents are being forced into the human realm by threat of extinction. If anything, a lot of demons probably want nothing more than peace, and some of the more arrogant creatures, such as the tengus and the wraiths might get into a load of trouble. So you are forced into a twisted portal, and you are sent to one of two places: the mountains of Galiea, or Akiranian plainlands. This roleplay will not be heavily plot driven like my other ones, so we’ll be half sandboxy, and half plot-oriented. Sandbox being there mostly for the sake of character development and the development of relationships, this being so because you simply cannot save the world teamed up with strangers you do not trust. As you may notice later, there are dungeons. So this may start feeling a little like DnD at some point. Humans and demons can be in the same group.

If you wish to play as a human, here are some things for you to know: magic does indeed exist. Odds are though, your character won’t be adventurer extraordinaire, and I will ask if your character has a profession, which skillset you can build on in the future. So if your character is a farmer and goes on an adventure; he’ll likely succeed into herbalism, healing, and natural things like that. Blacksmith? He’ll probably be making his own damn weapons to near perfection and be kicking everyone’s asses with it. But it’s all slow and steady. Development. I personally find it more fun to play as a human because not only are they easier to relate to, but well… I simply just like writing as them more!

The plot will advance as I tell it to, and I don’t like being rushed. If you rush me, you’ll find you won’t like it when I’m being rushed either. Okay, standard rules such as no godding, metagaming, or instas of any sort apply. Read the entire OP, as I will know if you don’t. If you have questions, you probably haven’t read the OP and you will lose points. I have all rights to kill off any of your characters in any way I choose, and a fellow roleplayer is capable of also killing your character. However, I make the final call on all deaths, and I will remain impartial. Finally, use your common sense and do not piss me off in any way, shape, or form. Easy! Alright. Ready, set, go!


Minotaur: These creatures of myth are a mix of man and a bull. They are certainly larger than men, and their muscles are at least twice as large as average bulls. They’re often aggressive, sometimes even too aggressive for their own good. Aggressive or not, most if not all have a short fuse and aren’t generally intelligent. You can easily coerce them by playing upon their interests, as long as you know what they are. They’re often unpredictable, and are sometimes considered a bipolar species. Many Minotaur and other beast races swear servitude to Madrid Haat, but not all are so steadfast. Minotaurs have a shorter lifespan than humans due to combat, but can live longer if provided. Human age: 50 / 2 Minotaur age: 25

Tengu: The tengu are fast and powerful wind spirits from Japanese lore that are capable of controlling the wind. They often looked mostly human, aside from the pair of crow wings sticking out from their backs at all times. Tengu often have the nasty habit of being selfish, sarcastic and arrogant, but their speed makes them dangerous. The oil that costs the feathers on their wings is susceptible to combustion, which can easily be put out by a skilled tengu before they start falling from the sky. Tengus have nearly the same lifespan as a human. Human age: 50 / 1.1 Tengu age: 45

Golem: A creature of stone, metal, wood, all sorts of elements and is also very resilient to attacks. Some golems may resemble humans while others may look... out of this world. They’re often serious creatures, and it’s likely you’ll hardly ever find one with a sense of humor. Their weakness varies upon their element in which they’re constructed from, but all are adept at some form of magic, while being equally vulnerable to it. Golems tend to have shorter lifespans than humans. Human age: 50 / .85 Golem age: 58

Wraith: Taking the form of a blackened spirit, the wraiths are separate from all the other races, demons and humans included. Instead, they are mostly loners who prefer their own company. When provoked into combat, they can use their ghost-like abilities to avoid any physical attack. They are incapable directly harming other creatures, but can possess simple-minded life forms and use their physical body to do the fighting for them (however, they are “linked”, meaning, the wraith can feel everything the body feels when struck); even humans and fellow demons, just as long as their willpower surpasses the host. However, they are vulnerable to magic; especially of the fire or light variety. This demon probably requires the most trust than the rest. Wraiths have an amazingly long lifespan, but are often cursed with no afterlife, eternal suffering, or left to restlessly haunt the area of their passing. Human age: 50 / 10 Wraith age: 5

Goblinkin: There are many types of creatures that fall under this phylus, and as such, will be listen and explained below. With the death of Gorson, the latest chief, and Yami Aku an entire realm away and all of its denizens in frantic disorganization, they now serve under the minotaur King of Beasts, Madrid Haat.

Imp: Imps are your average goblinkin - the guys you are used to. Imps are massively diverse compared to to other goblinkin, but your average imp is a somewhat scrawny, olive skinned creature with sharp, brittle teeth and a high metabolism, eating most biological things. Not only diverse, but also very adaptable, which is where their diversity stems off from. An imp that takes practice in warrior training are likely to be bulky and grow taller. Imps exposed to magic often use less physical exertion, and such, their bodies compensate and become skinnier and shorter, some even becoming as short as two feet. Long term exposure to magic can cause them to grow small horns and wings, due to the nature of magic they often delve into, picking out the fire from Yami Aku itself, hurtling these tarfire balls at their opponents. Imps have much shorter lifespans than humans, but some often use foul magic to unnaturally extend their lifespan (which can cause gradual insanity and can actually kill them and turn them undead). Human age: 50 / .60 Imp age: 83

Orcoids: A manifested breed of war and selective breeding. Many imps in the past were magically restricted by the oppression of the Ettin king Majin of the Second Age, Inciter of War. As a result, much were forced to breed and bed with only the strongest of the goblinkin that had chosen to stay under Majin's reign. This selective breeding eventually raised a larger, stronger race which often comes into conflict with the imps, as both have some degree racial arrogance over one another. The two races here hold either one in low regard compared to themselves, but both seem to have equal rights within each of their communities. Orcs have lost most if not all of their magical ability, but there has been a few able to tap into that ancient bloodline. Exposure to magic seems to have a much greater effect on the orcoids than the imps, and just a month of practice can cause reddening of the skin, larger fangs, and small horns. They are too heavy to grow wings however. Over the years of evolving, their metabolism has slowed down and earned a longer lifespan than imps. They live slightly shorter lives than most humans due to their warrior-like way of life, but rare cases has shown them living longer than a human. Human age: 50 / .85 Orc age: 58

Ogres: Ogres are a product of the Ettin king's depravity and ruthlessness. Orcs who were unlucky enough to be abducted were brought to Majin and promptly raped and abused. Those that survived this horrible trial were unfortunate enough to bare a child that would be delivered during a pregnancy that usually proved to be fatal to the mother. As a result of a bad mix in DNA, many ogres during that time were albino, and had pale skin with a tint of green hue, in contrast with the usual olive skin. Ogres are usually fat, but strong enough to break a tree in half and can run short distances fast enough to catch horses. They are a bastard race held abominable by most of the eyes of goblinkin, and is commonly rejected and is used as either slaves, servants, or workers. Rarely has there ever been an ogre that would be considered among the upper class. Many ogre slaves have tattoos on them, which shows them who they belong to in goblinkin community. While usually incredibly stupid, one of the greatest shamans of the goblinkin was an ogre. Ogres usually have great appetites that competes with their low metabolism, which often makes them fat and lazy, only getting fatter with age. Human age: 50 / 1.15 Ogre age: 43

There were once many varieties of demons. Any races that decided to stay behind or wait it out, often fell into extinction due to the Yami Aku storm, such as the wendigos. There are reasons that the ones you play as now are still alive and chose to move into the new world. Perhaps in the future, other races will decide to brave through the twisted portal, and see the green lands for themselves.

The sheets are up next, and I’ll tell you how to fill them out. First, the name. This is in fact a fantasy RP, but don’t try to go for “Shadow Wolfborn” or something. That’s stupid. So I guess we’re clear on what to go for, and what level of ridiculousness to avoid. Sex is the gender, male or female. For the sake of maturity, don’t make jokes please. Age… let’s be realistic. A teenager will not be going on adventures and killing monsters or anything. A teenager will die no questions. Profession speaks for itself. Mechanics don’t exist, as this is more or less the traditional medieval era. I want a detailed appearance, personality, and history. At least two paragraphs in each category, okay? Profession is not in the demon character sheet, and history can be hard to work in since I gave little info on Yami Aku. Don’t explain the realm too much, and just… explain the life your demon led up to this point as best as you can. The demon character sheet will have a writing sample however, and making a good sample will earn you trust points.

Human character sheet


Demon character sheet

Writing Sample:

Last edited by Jester on Mon 11 Mar 2013, 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Yami Aku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 3:31 pm

Map of Krolin:
These are the two countries we have to work with while we're in Krolin. Galiea, as you can see on the left, the larger of the two while Akiran is on the right. A single twisted portal sits on either country, and you have the option of appearing there if you wish to play as a demon. The world is large, and if you need it, a key sits on the top right corner. In the future, if this is successful, sequels may host other continents for us to use.


Galiea: Caprest: A large landmass, and main power in the world of Krolin Galiea is populated with many cities within this nation and outposts are stationed around nearby towns, mostly around dangerous locations or for extra security. Galiea is, as we would say, the world's police. Its large military allows them to deploy troops and garrison themselves in their own towns, occupy their outposts, and maintain a presence in other countries while having enough troops to keep their capital city firmly secure. This land is rich with resources and is environmentally diverse. Caprest is a massive city that is advanced well beyond its time that stretches out for a mile or so in each direction. While the buildings along the outskirts are traditionally made of wood, those buildings are replaced with stone the closer you get to the center of the city, where sits a large castle that is home to the finest king that Galiea has ever seen.

Maplefrost: This place is a quaint little town. A small place was cut out from the middle of a forest, and a small village has since been established, most of buildings cut from wood. Over time, Maplefrost earned itself a reputation not only for the best wine and mead in Krolin, but for the beautiful scenary and friendly townsfolk. Most of the villagers here live a simple, easy, and quiet life, spending their days happily working, and their nights relaxing in their warm beds or relaxing on their porch in the crisp air, taking in the sweet aroma of the surrounding maple trees. Being bigger than you would initially think this small town to be, it might be easy to get lost enjoying the simple atmosphere while being surrounding by residential homes and a variety of shops and engrossed in nature's simple beauty.

Northmill: Is usually a cold, chilly town that isn't too far from the northern Harshlands. There aren't many people that live there, and most that do are loggers. Northmill makes its reputation by logging and harvesting the hardy surrounding trees. Its location near the river and its tributaries makes it an ideal location to set up a mill. There is a reputable blacksmith here, whom is above average, and mostly makes tools for the loggers and the mills.

Mistone: A town that was cut into the side of a mountains of Falconpeak Ridge. This can be considered a "new" town (since people could now live here without safety hazards) that was recently populated during the last five years or so. The construction of the city took years to make, and started almost around the time Caprest was founded. The mountains are rich with iron and other minerals, which allows Mistone to be a great city for the production of jewelry and weapons. Unfortunately located near a twisted portal.

Lestin: A small rural village that mostly consists of farmland. There are many carriages that exports fruits, vegetables, grain, meats, and all sorts of products to the neighboring towns, especially istone and Caprest. It's small and is probably the least secure, but there isn't too much to see here, so it's not much of a target for thieves.

Sandwatch: A typical village that doesn't drastically set itself apart from other towns. It's rather urban, where buildings alternate from stone to wood. What this town does have though, is an incredible view. It sits on the edge of bumpy plain lands, on top of a large hill that overlooks the Galiean desert, where the sand dances in funnels around the desert dunes that appear to stretch on forever.

Amriville: I wasn't feeling particularly creative, and I had just finished my horror movie marathon, and an idea for a town came to mind. Amriville is clearly a rip off of Amityville, but if you have a problem with that, you can GTFO. Anyways, Amriville is an old town, one of the first settlements that came after Caprest. It's nowhere near as populated because of haunting rumors, and the eery forest of Whisperwood looming over the town. Only the brave or the poor choose to live here in a rundown town. The buildings are strong, but lack of maintenance caused some of the buildings to fall into a dangerous state of disrepair.

Akiran: Stunstill: While this nation doesn't have the same impressive size as Galiea, Akiran is almost as powerful. Akiran is a wealthy and highly populated nation, despite its small landmass. An economic titan - whatever isn't a port town is a diverse environment that stretches from plain lands to a thick tropical jungle. Stunstill is a massive port town with cobblestone walkways, wooden buildings, and rows upon rows of docks for trading vessels waiting to make port and to be sent off again, repeating the cycle. The law isn't as strictly enforced as it is in Caprest, however guards here are often times more hostile and less restrained and composed. It is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of this rich town.

Crosstown: There hasn't been much to this town at one point of time, and it was mostly used as an outpost to allow travelers to stock up on their travels. But now they've managed to spruce up the place. It's covered in inns and taverns, grocers, merchants and it still keeps its feel of being a rest stop. There are large stables here and there for carriages to take a rest. With it being an outpost for traveling merchants and the like, it is rather well guarded. Despite this fact however, thieves still come here with high hopes of finding some valuable treasure. Crosstown also doubles as a place for farmers to grow crops, so there's also quite a bit of farmland around here.

Seatouch: A cold, yet very populated wood-furnished town, and where just like everywhere else in Akiran, fishing is popular. Though on occasion, that hobby tends to extend a little further. Every now and again, the locals come in contact with whales. What they do is that they go on their boats and shoot them with bows, crossbows, stab them with pikes, and follows the whale until it eventually dies. The whale is eventually harvested, and the whalers make big bucks. Squid is a novelty here as well.

Crest: The rocky shores and beaches of this stone built city is the perfect place to go hunting for crustaceans, and make money off of their valuable meat. But besides their special product, and this place may not look like it, this is a rather culturally rich town. A long time ago one night, a catastrophic flooding swept through the town during a harvest moon after many months of a long drought, drying up the shores and making it difficult to obtain food. While many people were found dead the next morning and others lost, they had also found their beaches crawling with crustaceans and other sea life such as fish. So every harvest moon, they get together in mourning of the lives lost that day, but partake in a large feast in thanks of God's mercy. It has been local tradition ever since.

Sane: This town isn't as close to the sea as some of the other towns, but it is surrounded by farmland that stretches for miles. It isn't uncommon to see a carriage stocked up with produce heading out of Sane, and it provides both Akiran and other nations with food and other farm grown goods. Most of the buildings are wood crafted, and there isn't much need for security here. Which is most unfortunate, considering it shares the same general location with a twisted portal.

Islerun: This city serves as possibly the busiest and probably most dangerous city there is. Busy because it is the largest port town Krolin has to offer, with twice the amount of docks and ships as Stunstill, and only a handful more people. Dangerous, because even if there are guards posted around every corner, it's so busy it's easy to get lost in the crowd. The city is full of thieves and sometimes shipments even get lost. Taverns are busy as hell, and you can certainly expect a thug or two hanging out around a corner eying your every movement. But who cares about all that, right? Work, work, work! No time to stop, no time for breaks! Constantly moving, make more money! The town usually earns more money than whatever is lost. Nobody will miss it, or even notice it's gone.


Timberfall: Timberfall is your average forest consisting of mostly pine. Travelers are generally safe from dangerous threats, and there isn't a lot of predators that you should be worrying about either, save for the occasional stray wolf (which would likely run away from you anyways). The warm forest is rich with animals, and is an ideal place to go hunting and to escape your troubles in this simple paradise. The forest stretches down from Caprest where it is separated from Maplefrost Forest by the river, all the way down to the Galiean Desert, and touches the edge of Whisperwood. Timberfall contains Melody Lake, and somewhere hugs Caprest Bay. It is rumored by adventures and explores that there's an unexplored cave around its shores.

Falconpeak Range:The wilderness of western Galiea is dominated by a large mountainous expanse and hill covered plains that stretches from the northern Harshland, and all the way down to the Galiean Desert. It stands high above Galiean cities and is a beautiful sight to behold with its snow covered peaks are as white as milk, and is considered as the "Beak of Galiea". If you look closely enough at a map, you'll see why. There's been talk about a cave system that goes as far as the range itself, but these are of course only rumors...

The Harshlands: The northern edge of Galiea is one many citizens wouldn't dream of going. It's as cold and bitter as it gets, where the sun is blocked out by snow most of the time. Little life can actually survive the brutal weather here, let alone the dangerous predators that scavenge for as much food as they can. There's a canyon said to be there from old manuscripts. It's said that the years of erosion has caused it to twist and turn like a maze...

Maplefrost Forest: Maplefrost is a cool delightful forest, filled with a sweet aroma from the trees, and a painted landscape with colorful autumn leaves. The buzzing of bees can found every now and again on one of the trees, and there are a couple more predators and dangers than there are in Timberfall, but this is definitely soothing place worth visiting. The forest stretches from the Falconpeak Range to the west, and all the way down to Whisperwood in the southeast.

Whisperwood: Is a dark, depressing forest, and rumored to be haunted and infested with the dangerous creatures lurking within. Whether or not the rumors of these hauntings are true, the Whisperwood outpost keeps a constant watch in its woods to protect what is left of Amriville. There are some foul creatures, and even people, that dwells within the dense territory, none of whom you'd want to ever wish to stumble upon. It has been reported than an explorer spotted an old mansion in the deeper parts of the forest, near the Whisperwood bog...

The Galiean Desert: The desert that makes up the very southern region of Galiea is unmapped, uncharted territory, most explorers only managed to get a mile in before succumbing to dehydration or heat exhaustion. The desert is large and vast, seemingly endless. The sun's harsh rays play tricks on your mind, casting an illusion of an oasis in the sand. Even explorers who left well prepared were hardly heard from again, being claimed by either the violent sandstorms or the desert's vicious predators. The water from the southern edge of the continent are likely to create large sections consisting of quicksand...

Everun Plainlands: As the name would suggest, the Everun Plainlands is a massive biome, taking up at least half of the Akiranian landmass. Only a fraction of it is covered by dozens of farms that supply food and produce across the country and other neighboring nations. These plainlands stretch for miles, upon miles, upon miles.

Raak Jungle: Although this environment isn't the large you'll see, it argubaly takes the longest to venture through. Thick, dense foliage covers every inch of this tropical jungle, all while slithering with poisonous plants, insects, and reptiles, and crawling with predators. The rivers are fast and choppy, and is home to anacondas. While this may be the most dangerous place you may ever venture to, it also holds some of the greatest rewards. The outpost has attempted to ward off a behemoth of a monster, an apex predator. However, their reinforcements are in decline and they're hiring anybody foolish enough to deal with the beastie...

Last edited by Jester on Tue 26 Mar 2013, 9:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Yami Aku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 3:32 pm

Ji's character: FARORN KREO:
€rim's character: RAO MERRISTAN:
Mata's character: YAZMIN BETEG:
Noxi's character: (D) SESS ILEE:

Last edited by Jester on Tue 26 Mar 2013, 9:14 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 4:36 pm

Well darn, since I'm already running the character I originally made for this, I'll just have to come up with another... I think I found what I'm doing at work today.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 5:02 pm

Haha, sounds fun. I added two more races than there were before and I fleshed those out, which should hopefully prompt some interesting characters. Naturally, I'd like some human characters to also come in, preferably more humans than demons by about one man. But no pressure of course. A couple of things still need to be fleshed out I think, such as how we are going to start, how recent the migration is, and the relationship between humans and demons.

Actually, to get started on that, we're just going to start off where the humans hasn't really made contact with the demons just yet. Most demon activity will be near the twisted portal in the mountains of Galiea where Madrid's followers are setting up an encampment, getting ready to either explore or overtake the city of Mistone. Alternatively, if your demon isn't war mongering or mindless sheeple, they could tiptoe around that area, or you can post them appearing at the other portal instead in a plainland. If you're human and want to be in Mistone for this event, that's perfectly acceptable as you could have them confused in the chaos and narrowly escaping. I doubt you'd be imprisoned unless you're maybe being locked up in case somebody gets hungry, so a jailbreak may be possible.

If you're a demon and end up in Akiran, I'm afraid I don't think I have anyhting in plan just yet, and you will appear in a large stretch of farmland. I am still debating whether or not I should keep everybody's posts individual or do what Chaos does and provoke some action myself. That may actually be best with such a large expanse of land, especially if everybody won't be in the same spot. As for playing demons before they're actually discovered by the population (only applies to people that doesn't follow Madrid), it may just be best if there's a human character to befriend you and smuggle you around as if you're a Jew during World War II.

Magic, as I'm aware, hasn't been explained just yet. There aren't many limitations and there is nothing in the sheets asking whether or not if you have magical ability, but those sorts of things can easily be explained in the history section. As for the magic itself, there aren't many limitations. Whatever can be implied I'm sure exists. Time travel is obviously not so, making yourself fifty feet tall is just outrageous. There's elemental magic, your typical necromancy, druidism, divine magic, et cetera. I should probably work that out in the future.

I'll go over more once I remember them.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 5:40 pm

Not sure if I should reuse my last character. Though I will at least carry on the fine tradition of playing a human. At least initially. Never know what that belt of +2 don't ask will do to you.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 6:54 pm

This sounds detailed and very interesting. I will probably join.

I'd like to play as a Yuki-onna though.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 11 Mar 2013, 7:54 pm

YEEESSSS this is back! I'm on break now, so I have more time to RP dis time! Is it alright if I give it a look-over later and start on a sheet? :D
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeTue 12 Mar 2013, 9:49 am

Sure thing Mata-man. Just remember that the OP does have some information that may be valuable towards crafting your character. But nothing really dictates which comes first, it's just a matter of important details you ought to know.

Moon, the Yuki-onna is, I believe, a singular creature and you can't really make a race out of it. You can try replicating it whilst playing as a wraith, but that's as close as you can get to it.

So, Ji, I believe asked me to grab his old sheet and put it here so I'll get that done momentarily.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeTue 12 Mar 2013, 7:41 pm

I 'member dis.

I think I had a sheet in the old thread too. Not sure if it is worth grabbing though?
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeThu 14 Mar 2013, 1:13 am

My current character is supposed to start intentionally generic, so I keep running out of things to say on my sheet. This could be a problem.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeThu 14 Mar 2013, 8:02 am

Balu, I am pretty sure that your old character was an apothecary/alchemist woman - are you still wanting to stick with that?

Eo, that's fine. Just do what you have to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeThu 14 Mar 2013, 3:34 pm

Now that I think about it, I'll change it a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 1:53 pm

I look forward to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 2:09 pm

So, could I get my sheet for reviewal purposes?
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 3:15 pm

Ji's sheet:

Name: Farorn Kreo
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Profession: Cartographer/explorer
Appearance: Farorn is not an exceptional man at first, or rather any glance. His hair brushed loosely only when he gets the chance. Around it and above his brow, he wears a simple wood brown cloth headband to help keep perspiration away from his eyes while he’s out. His face hasn’t been shaven in at least several months, and thus has begun to grow a fairly small beard. His eyes are a simple fern green in color, which appear at least attentive and always focused on something in his surroundings. Farorn’s overall build is rather lean for a man who spends much of his time in the wilderness, and he clearly lacks large amounts of upper body strength, though he has what is to be expected of most men of the time. Farorn stands at roughly five foot ten, and weighs approximately one-hundred-fifty-nine pounds.

In terms of what Farorn wears, he is much more distinctively identified. Aside from the aforementioned headband recently mentioned, he wears simple utilitarian leather garments, which can resist wear and tear while also protecting him from small cuts should they be encountered. His boots in particular are something he took great care to have made, easy to don and remove, yet resistant to the elements. He has a fairly simple pack with two slots for storage, where in he keeps his mapmaking supplies, and the other which he keeps his rations and or samples he has gathered. Anchored to loops in his belt, he carries the woodcutting axe and hatchet he has used to allow himself to partially survive out in the wild.

Personality: Farorn’s personality is a bit more complicated to explain. While he is more of a loner, at peace with himself and the tasks he sets his mind to, he is far from above other people, who he knows to be important, and very worth knowing. He has a fairly large preference to do good when he has the choice between what he considers to be the right and the wrong thing, and has learned a great deal about self sacrifice over his travels with his men, far more than he was hoping to learn. He has a minor tendency to get very angry with people who just do not seem to understand simple concepts around the second or third time they are explained. He is prone to the occasional flight of fancy, having a mild wanderlust and endlessly needing to know what’s just over that hill for his maps.

History: Farorn grew up in Caprest, the town of towns were things were great compared to the rest of the world. The fourth child of a semi-wealthy family, Farorn was not one to know too much of want as a child, and was allowed to attend school. As the younger of two boys he lived in the shadow of his older brother, who was a far more capable man in basically anything he set out to do. While Farorn rose to slightly above average in his classes, his brother was busying himself with competitions and other more prestigious activities. While Farorn was busy going on his first expedition, if you could even call it that, as it consisted of following people who knew what they were doing and making a map of where they went, his brother was busy leading such an expedition and helping defend it from threats that in hindsight probably didn’t exist.

Farorn’s adult life has thus far been more of the same unfortunately. He’s responsible for a few, fairly unknown bits of map work detailing rather out of the way locations. Recently, he’s seen his first “combat” in that he hid while the people he was following did much of the work. Bandits had attacked a caravan headed between towns, and Farorn was hoping to at the very least make a quick buck selling the map of the trade route at the other end of the journey at the time. Needless to say, Farorn feels very bad about not being able to help, and has since let the caravan pass him, waiting in Maplefrost while he contemplates what he’s done with his life.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 3:41 pm

Merci beaucoup.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 7:15 pm

So I've been meaning to join some new rps and I've been watching this for a bit so yeah maybe if I muster up the will to make a sheet
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Mar 2013, 7:40 pm

Crimmy boy I would love you forever you are so handsome I wish my manhood was as big as yours.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeSat 16 Mar 2013, 11:13 am


I'll try getting a sheet done today.

EDIT: Sheet'll be done tomorrow probs.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2013, 9:07 am

Damn, you're good.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2013, 8:33 pm

Took longer than I was hoping. God it's been long since I made a sheet.

Name: Rao Merristan
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Profession: Hunter
Appearance: Rao isn't exactly "rough" looking, but he's not pristine either. He's stands at about six feet and is lean, along with looking like he's been cutting his own hair for many a few years (he has). The hair of which is rosy brown color that's not quite red, but not exactly brown either. It's curly, messy, and uneven because sometimes a knife isn't the best choice of tool for cutting hair. The short beard he has is a slightly darker color and looks alright as long as the knife is is sharp. They aren't really visible but there are little scars from accidentally nicking himself in the act. Rao's also somewhat gaunt and his skin is a dark tone from spending so much time outside. As if in some permanent scowl, his brow is a bit furrowed and his light brown eyes ever so squinted under thin eyebrows.

He wears common clothes accompanied with furs. Typical leather clothing along with fur circling his neck and shoulders and a bit here and there in his gloves and boots. He also carries with him at most times his hunting bow which he prides himself in being quite proficient with and due to wandering about frequently, owns a muddy grey mare. While he stays with family when in Frostmill, he otherwise camps a distance away from towns and cities.

Personality: Rao is a friendly enough man. He's not the jolliest guy around but he gets along well enough with people. Usually he's well received for selling pelts and furs to people, especially in winter or colder times of the year. He likes to throw in a bit of wit when interacting with others though it sometimes comes off as cynical or sarcastic. Though he's difficult to anger, he easily becomes frustrated with small menial tasks he cannot complete which is more often than not in the form of some small craft or creation of his. As of recent, he's been considering finding a woman to settle down with and maybe have a few kids. Normally it's not something he would concern himself with thinking about but nonetheless he does and finds himself thinking children more amusing than he did before.

Having spent much of his life around it, he has a love for nature and the outdoors. Still, because much of his time is spent alone, he enjoys friendly company when he can.

History: Rao was born in Frostmill and lived most of his life there with his mother, father, and brother. They were what some would consider an ideal little family that was doing fine even in the cold. His father hunted and did carpentry whereas his mother stayed home and looked after the children. Being the oldest by several years, he learned to hunt with his father and has been since he was able to shoot a bow. One of his brothers died of sickness when Rao was fifteen or so and while he grieved, he didn't spend so much of his time doing so like his mother did. His mother and father were both, how should I say, "heavyset" people, but he didn't inherit that trait fortunately. His mother gave birth to another child a few years before Rao left his home to go visit other towns and cities at the age of nineteen. He visits them occasionally, but that's when things take him that far north.

As of late he's been doing things that he considers mostly boring. Hunting has been losing it's touch a bit and he's found himself with a bit extra coin and many times it's easier to buy a meal to eat rather than go through the trouble of catching said meal. He's currently in between Sandwatch and Caprest, gradually working his way northward.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeTue 19 Mar 2013, 4:28 pm

You're good to go, my friend.
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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeTue 19 Mar 2013, 7:18 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Yami Aku   Yami Aku I_icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2013, 12:40 am

Sorry it is taking me so long to get the sheet done, I have been busy and don't really know where to go with my character >w<;
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