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 Blade Runner - Book vs. Movie

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THE Derp Dragon
THE Derp Dragon

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Blade Runner - Book vs. Movie Empty
PostSubject: Blade Runner - Book vs. Movie   Blade Runner - Book vs. Movie I_icon_minitimeSun 06 Nov 2011, 10:42 pm

Anyone read the book and saw the movie? Love to hear peoples' thoughts on the two, namely how different they are.

Usually I'm totally with the bandwagon saying that the books are much better than the movies. This time around I actually prefer the movie hands down. I found the heavy emphasis on Mercerism to be more pointless and uninteresting than anything else, namely after the halfway point. The Chickenhead didn't catch my attention either, and I'd much rather have a few pages about him rather than a solid chunk of the novel. Decker seemed more on the tired side than he was in the movie, which I do like. Roy Batty and his crew didn't seem menacing or even very threatening at all, save for maybe the replicant at the theater.

Overall I do enjoy the novel, but the movie caught and held my attention much stronger. The introduction was done pretty well, as was Decker's conversation with the police chief. Roy Batty really did seem like a skinjob who was seriously gaining feelings. When he snapped at the end it was just plain awesome. Not trying to sound like a fanboy of the movie, but I just don't have anything really to complain about. I still wonder why Mercerism was completely cut though.
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