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 Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)

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Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) Empty
PostSubject: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 9:36 pm

I'm going to be the proud father of the first RP to EPIC FAIL on this forum.

But I was just thinking about how we did just a whole lot more than too much planning after we got started, a whole lot less than enough posting, and a cast the size of a planet.

So. 8 kids. 8 trolls. Limited NPCs. Period.

Not 10 kids, approximately 786417895678367.52617586 trolls, and more planned NPCs than you could feasibly shake a VERY LONG STICK at.

New characters, of course, to be unconfusing.

Also, the first posts are not made to discuss the validity of my estimates or the size of the cast.

If you don't understand any of the following or the above because you do not read Homestuck, read Homestuck. If you still don't, ask questions.


The trolls won. They did. Killed the Black King, did the flashy glowy walk-through-the-door thing, and they're in the human universe. Because, you know, if you win, you don't stay in the Veil and be boring.

So I'm suggesting we start with more urgency towards trolls just to keep it simple, or do something similar to Hivebent, albeit in more detail because STUFF ACTUALLY WORKED.

Also, I'm fairly certain being a troll-human hybrid, while perhaps not ectobiologically reasonable, would be genetically sound if you assume that the psychic stuff from lowbloods would allow them to breed with humans...?



Name: (Name must either add up to eleven letters total or have the same number of letters in the first and last names.)
Age: 13 years(Did it for you. :D)
chumHandle: (lowercaseUppercase, in text color -- CHECK LIST BELOW TEMPLATES)
Appearance: (HS sprites are fine; otherwise write it out.)
Interests and Hobbies: (Your name is BLAH BLARGH. Etc. Also quirk stuff.)
Sylladex Fetch Modus: (Make it incredibly inconvenient. I will make you change it if it isn't.)
Strife Specibus: ___kind
Guardian: (Their supposed relation to your character, their name if they have one, and their appearance if they're going to be important.)
Title: ___ of ___ (One-syllable words.)
Land: Land of ___ and ___
Land Description: (I don't need much here.)
Consorts: (As this will be a fairly good indicator of what a normal SBURB game is, both consorts and a denizen are necessary.)
Dream Planet: (Prospit/Derse)


Name: (As long as you have the same number between first and last, it could be 6/6 or 27/27. I'd prefer you didn't do the latter.)
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color:
trollTag: (same as chumHandles; add text color, which should be your blood color unless you have a good reason.)
Appearance: (HS sprites are fine; otherwise write it out.)
Interests and Hobbies: (Your name is BLAH BLARGH. Etc. Also quirk stuff.)
Sylladex Fetch Modus: (Make it incredibly inconvenient. I will make you change it if it isn't.)
Strife Specibus: ___kind
Lusus: (Name (if one exists) and description.)
Title: ___ of ___
Land: Land of ___ and ___ (Space will have Land of ___ and Frogs.)
Land Description: (I don't need much here.)
Consorts: (As this will be a fairly good indicator of what a normal SBURB game is, both consorts and a denizen are necessary.)
Dream Planet: (Prospit/Derse)

GAMMA or CHI (there's no Greek C blargle)
For example, someone could take zero and make the chumHandle/trollTag ZR, for say, zappyRadio. Or whatever. No one actually do that. The letters don't necessarily have to be in order, either. You could get XI from six.


discordantCalculation wrote:
Name: Rycurem Lenycel
Gender: Male
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: This.
trollTag: aggressiveEgalitarian (Eta)
Appearance: You are a troll. Sometimes, you look in the mirror and find it hard to tell, given the fact that your one good eye and its vision twofold makes depth perception and any sight at all difficult. If you could see yourself in any kind of focus whatsoever, however, you would almost definitely not like what you would see. For one thing, your glorious upside-down Tavros horns have been mutilated; the left is severed a quarter of its length in from the tip, and the other has two gashes nearly doing the same. Your right eye has been gouged out by likely the same force, leaving your two-pupiled left eye to fend for itself. You have no feeling and less movement capabilities in your right arm and leg. You use a cane, not that your limited capabilities would allow you to use it if you weren’t an incredibly powerful psionic. You wear black everything except for the sign on your shirt, in your blood color, as tradition encourages. Given that it’s more or less the only one you follow, you adhere to it nigh religiously.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is Rycurem Lenycel. You are actually quite surprised you haven’t been CULLED or KILLED in an otherwise brutal manner since your CRIPPLING INCIDENT. You still PURSUE your many and varied INTERESTS, although your PHYSICAL STATE forces you to FLOAT. The DESTRUCTION of your BEAUTIFUL HORNS has allowed you to finally FIT inside your RECUPERACOON in order to lessen the DREAMS of DOOM and OTHER GENERIC GENOCIDAL OCCURRENCES that still PLAGUE you anyways as a result of YOUR POWERS. Aside from that, you quite enjoy READING the LATEST SMUGGLED-IN HIGHLY ILLEGAL BOOKS ON REVOLUTION, being smarter than EVERYONE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE EXISTENCE OF, and being a RADICAL REVOLUTIONARY for ALL LOWBLOODKIND. Your views can OSCILLATE WILDLY depending on your MOOD: If you’re particularly HAPPY, then you’ll TEMPORARILY be fine with simply RIDDING TROLLDOM OF THE CASTE SYSTEM; while a particularly BAD MOOD will result in a BTSDLB COMPLEX that inverts THE WHOLE HEMOSPECTRUM ENTIRELY. And either would preferably KILL MOST SEADWELLERS. You never said you had PROBLEMS with GENOCIDE, just that you have DREAMS YOU WOULD RATHER NOT EXPERIENCE that deal with it. Aside from that, you have few interests. Your trolltag is aggressiveEgalitarian and you typε iη a rathεr civil maηηεr givεη your uηdyiηg hatrεd for half of thε hεmospεctrum.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Plan-Ahead Modus (it locks items in when they need to be used, the only way to get them at that point is to weaponized-eject them)
Strife Specibus: Canekind (and a defunct Swordkind)
Lusus: D----EAD (was a terrier-sized, well, terrier)
Title: Thief of Mind
Land: Land of Stairs and Inside-Out
Land Description: LoSaIO is basically the inside of that M. C. Escher painting. On the outside, the planet is a perfect cube that looks like a sphere from a distance, and on the inside, stairs run in an abstract labyrinthine manner around, through, and inside each other in an indecipherable mess. The secret is that it’s really just one staircase, and running far enough takes you back to where you started, having visited the whole planet. Not traveling via stairs is a very bad idea.
Consorts: Turtles with pentagonal pyramid shells.
Denizen: Kurmaraja (best known for holding up the world on its shell in South Asian mythos)
Dream Planet: Prospit

ArchDemon wrote:
Name: Kiyalla Shaodin
Gender: Female
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: This.
trollTag: oceanicEnchantress
Appearance: Kiyalla... Umm... I'll draw her. Because I suck at describing Trolls.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is KIYALLA SHAODIN, and you are a PRODIGIOUS WITCH. As a seadweller with magic, you have a lovely collection of OLD BOOKS, WANDS, and various IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLES. Like a 50-SIDED RUBIX... SHAPE. You enjoy TESTING YOUR INTELLECT against your more intelligent friends/enemies, although you are more often than not SORELY DISAPPOINTED IN THEM. You can be a little bit DRAMATIC and have a MASSIVE EGO. Despite these facts, you like to believe that you are a NICE TROLL. Nice Troll... Very nice Troll. This is, of course, completely FALSE; you rather enjoy TORTURING the LOWEST BLOODS. But anywho, yeah. You quite like FASHION, to the point of being a little bit of an oddity. You enjoy your BRIGHTLY-COLORED CLOTHES, especially since other Trolls hate them. Your underwater hive is filled with PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED ITEMS, with STACKS OF BOOKS making your hive a little bit of a HASSLE TO WALK THROUGH without constantly bumping into stuff. Your trolltag is oceanicEnchantress and your quirk should leave no one doubting your vastly superior intellect. Also, the obligatory fish puns.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Crossword Modus
Strife Specibus: Wandkind
Lusus: A large octopus she calls Dr. Tentacles
Title: Witch of Heat
Land: Land of Storms and Waves
Land Description: A huge ocean world caught up in a constant storm.
Consorts: Sea Turtles
Denizen: Leviathan
Dream Planet: Prospit

Name: Lyon Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years
chumHandle: damnedArbiter (DELTA)
Appearance: Lyon is a rather willowy, sickly-looking Kid. He is five foot nine and still growing quickly, and thus always seems a little-undernourished. His pale skin is pulled taut over his bones, giving him a rather creepy appearance, yet somehow noble. His eyes are sunk into his head a little, and his violent purple eyes are rather scary as they flick around, taking everything in like a dying man. His pale violet hair is nearly cut and falls down to the middle of his neck (how he got it that color is beyond me). He typically wears a dark purple t-shirt with a black skull on it, neat black jeans, and black and purple shoes.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is LYON WINTERS, and you are rather DEPRESSING TO BE AROUND. You have an impressive BOOK COLLECTION, ranging from the greats of the past (The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Rings, etc) to the works of today (LIST OF BOOKS HERE), which lines the walls of your home. You have a slight obsession with the subject of DEATH, and have studied it extensively using every resource you can get your hands on. You have been a tad bit INSANE ever since your Father passed away of a sickness, yet you are in such a STATE OF DENIAL that you believe he still lives. You have STOPPED ATTENDING SCHOOL some time ago, and are currently living off of the INTERNET and CANNED SOUP. Your chumhandle is damnedArbiter, and you y__r w_rds s__m _ l_ttl_... H_ll_w.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Chess Modus (he must win a game of chess to retrieve something)
Strife Specibus: Canekind
Guardian: Father, deceased (Although Lyon believes he is still alive for some reason.)
Title: Prince of Death
Land: Land of Shade and Plague
Land Description: LoSaP is a huge forest planet, cloaked in shadows. All the trees are either dying or in various stages of decay. Mind you, these trees are often bigger than cities.
Consorts: Locusts
Denizen: Grim Reaper

Omnivex wrote:
Name: Hastur Kaiwan
Gender: Male
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: Whatever color this is.
trollTag: eldritchAbomination BETA (If its not taken)
Appearance: I'll get around to it in a bit. I need to get some time first.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is Hastur Kaiwan and you quite fancy yourself occult things. You're not really sure what got you into but one day you were off exploring Alternian and FLARPing a bit when you came across a very peculiar tomb. Inside you tomb you found a book written in a funny language. You spent sweeps and much time on the internet translating and finding out the book was all The Necronomicon. You read its deep dark secrets and pretty much fell in love with it. it didn't phase you like it did many others and you found yourself mostly secluded reading the books dark pages and practicing its evil spells. Of course you fascination with the Necronomicon and its creepy monsters and such is only one of you interests. You spent a lot of other times in your childhood delving in the ancient religions of your planet, some coming from very old civiliations such as Trollapotamia and Troll Eygpt. You quite fancy their gods whose names you found mentioned sometimes in the passages of the Necronomicon, you're still trying to find out the significance of them, but in your free time you like to look them up and read their stories as well. In the time when you're not reading you do actually like to go out in the sun and do things. These outdoor activities consist mostly of FLARPing as your FLARPing character Exorcist Fiendbid and using your Necronomicon to try and summon the Eldritch Abominations from deep space to come and take you away from this d*mn planet. Its not though that you dislike it here, you after all One of the higher blooded on the planet. You just think its so boring here and would much rather be out there with them in the FURTHEST RINGS of space. Your chumhandle is eldritchAbomination after you the beings you so admire and you speak WithOut enOugh O's fOr yOur apprOval.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Duatkind - Put stuff in and maybe if you're lucky get it back again (Based on the Egyptian Duat)
Strife Specibus: Necronomicronkind
Lusus: A giant millipede that is refereed to simply as Milli. Gender unknown. Possibly female.
Title: Guardian of Space
Land: Land of Biomass and Frogs (Space will have Land of ___ and Frogs.)
Land Description: A living planet of pulsing bleeding and twisted mass thats so unspeakably horrible that if anyone who were to spend too much time there would probably go insane from pure mind distortion. Its very design defies even some of the most basic laws of reality. (Theres also frogs)
Consorts: Not so Deep Sea Jellyfish
Denizens: Cthulhu
Dream Planet: Derse

Luna_Cat16 wrote:
Name: Amatus Esteli
Gender: Male
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: Jade? If you'd allow it, of course.
trollTag: vividEloquence (FIVE), and you arE jusT naturallY flirtatiouS, buT yoU like t<3< make sure that <3thers kn<>w what type c3<f feelings yoU havE towardS theM firsT anD foremosT~
Appearance: Appearance: Amatus is very tall for a troll of 6 sweeps actually, but since he is nearing 7 it does seem more appropriate. Going with the headcanon that trolls are taller than humans, he is around 6'7, and isn't afraid to emphasize it with his long legs and perfect posture. His figure is very slim, and his gray skin always seems to give off some sort of radiance to it, though that has nothing to do with being a rainbow drinker. Those things are yucky. Your hair is fairly long, and is about chin-length. It is straight, but a bit spiky, giving off the appearance of one of those troll anime guys. He sports very uneven fangs, the right one being longer, slightly curved, and thinner than the left one, which is more of a typical troll fang. His horns, however, are very unusual. They come out of the side of his head, and encircle is like near-crescents, pointed in ends and not touching the ends of the other horns, but still giving the appearance of some sort of band around his head. From each horn there then rises two branches, forming partial arches as they reach over his head, and near the other branched-off horns. In a way it looks very much like a crown, which Amatus is very proud of. However, this means that it's hard to put on average clothes, so he resorts to more stylish outfits. He always wears a black button-down shirt, covered by a blazer the color of his blood. No, he did not dye it with his own green life-fluids. Okay, he did partially, but only because the traditional dye he was using turned out to be closer to yellow-green more than anything. His pants, much like that of a school uniform's, are the same color as well. He wears black leather shoes, which are very fancy indeed, and his symbol is stitched in white on the top right corner of his blazer. Humans would recognize it as the Corona Australis, except the middle triangle in it being inverted, so that the pointed end was upside-down. He also wears ties of various colors. These various colors are derived from his dead kismeses, and he wears them as sort of trophy medals. The color of tie determines the mood he's in, and if he is being casual or formal. Casual occasions call for lowerblooded ties, while former ones call for teal or higher. Extra special occasions call for seadweller ties.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is AMATUS ESTELI, and you are one heck of a SMOOTH GUY. Your interests revolve all around one thing, and that is the ART OF QUADRANTS. You see, after a while you noticed that obtaining troll serendipity is, quite frankly, nearly impossible. Or at least it was for you, until you decided to dedicate your studies to the ART OF SERENDIPITY. You have studied all the tactics, all of them. You know how to woo a troll of ANY BLOOD COLOR or even AGE now, though the latter is a bit of a precaution for when you either leave to join the Imperial Fleet or something else the Empire has in store for you. You have kept your eyes open for any good contenders for your own quadrants, but so far you have found NO ONE. Well, everyone wants you, it's just that you do not want them. They are simply not the RIGHT CANDIDATES for your serendipity. In your desperation you have turned into somewhat of a HOPELESS ROMANTIC among the other trolls, and you have even gone so far as to CHANGE YOUR QUIRK AND TEXT COLOR when flirting with them. By them, you mean EVERYONE. You have a bit of a complex where you think this is perfectly normal for someone like you to do, and totally NOT WEIRD AT ALL. Of course, this makes it all the more disturbing and unsettling.
Of course, you aren't all hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs! You enjoy a WIDE VARIETY of many other things, such as...um...Wow. This romance stuff really kind of TOOK OVER YOUR LIFE, didn't it? If it really takes you that long to think of other preoccupations, them you really must have problems. Well, now that you think of it, you love to READ. You have a small PRIVATE DEN in your hive that consists solely of BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR DECORATING, and many BOOKS. You will use this to woo your next matesprit, of course, and to gross out your next kismesis by saying blood was used to color it. That isn't ENTIRELY FALSE, by the way. You have had a habit of MURDERING unfit hate-suitors, and using their blood for VIVID DESIGNS. However, never on fashion. You DESPISE FASHION that is totally unnecessary. Your shelves of NOVELS and TEXTS have mainly been filled with quadrant advice books, but you still keep old classics, and personal favorites. You also love collecting TROLL DOLLS for some reason. Your LUSUS, a very kind but a bit scary TARANTULIZARD gave you a few when you were little, and now you are just CRAZY about them. You've also taken to making a few of your own, all of them based off of real trolls you've met. Troll dolls are actually very PERSONAL ITEMS, and there are some myths about how once you make a doll of someone, you can CONTROL THEM OR EVEN HURT THEM. The steps to creating one? First you knit the outside of it, and then you take stuffing and put it inside. Then you take the blood of the troll you're making a doll of, and dye the stuffing, add in a piece of skin from that troll, and a chip of the nail or horn. Then you stitch it together. LOVELY.
Oh and by the way, you are a JADE BLOOD, and, as far as you know, the only recorded MALE IN HISTORY. This is naturally because of how Jadebloods used to care for the Mother Grub, and that makes you a bit of an ANOMALY. Having a blood color mostly defined by FEMININE ATTRIBUTES embarasses you quite a bit. Because of this, you have taken to calling yourself "emerald-blooded" instead, though this hardly fools anyone. You also say how you HATE FASHION to shake off the belief that you like girly Jade things, but you hardly even realize that it shows though your INTERIOR DESIGN INSTEAD. You do love the ALTERNIAN SUN, however. Who can NOT love the sun? The undead may be a bit of a DOWNSIDE to it, but that hardly compares to how fun it is to frolic around in the light. This also leads to the nasty conclusion of you NEVER GETTING ANY SLEEP. EVER. You just run in the light, go inside, nap, and then flirt with random trolls online. It's a bit SAD. You do have TEA to keep you awake though, which is just like coffee, but FANCIER.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Dating Sim. Basically to get an item, a face of a randomly generated troll shows up, with a background color corresponding to what quadrant you are supposed to woo them with. If you successfully get them to have reciprocated feelings, you get the item. If not, the item gets thrown out in a very battered condition.
Strife Specibus: Needlekind. Yes, the knitting needles. Why? TROLL DOLLS, of course.
Lusus: Your lusus is a tarantulizard, and he is like a komodo dragon, but with hairy tarantula skin, eight elongated legs, and a row of four eyes on each side. He's actually really nice, and taught you how to overcome the various obstacles that awaited you in the daytime, such as the undead. Oh, and TROLL DOLLS, of course.
Title: Prince of Doom
Land: Land of Pits and Code
Land Description: A land much like some sort of ruins of an alien civilization, and with ominous chasms scattered all over the landscape. The sky is black, with green markings running through it all of the time, much like some sort of shield. In fact, that's what it is, and the ruins encompasse all the ground, and act as platforms to keep one from falling into the bottomless pits. It also imprisoned Briareus, but now he is starting to break out through gradually crumbling the ruins.
Consorts: Black Jackals, very similar to Anubis. They go kep or keo.
Denizen: Briareus, the Hundred-handed monster from Greco-Roman mythology.
Dream Planet: Derse

Crim wrote:
Gender: Male
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: This gross color
trollTag: noxiousSerpent - SEVEN
Appearance: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) Fatesealedsprites
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is VIRIEL MARKOS and you are PROUD of your POOPY BLOOD COLOR. You are kind of ASS sometimes and you insult people a lot, but hey that's their fault for PROVOKING you with NOTHING. You absolutely love HORRIFIC LITERATURE and those with HIGHER BLOOD than yours on the hemospectrum and spend a lot of TIME daydreaming about red and black SCENARIOS between you and the aforementioned TROLLS. You spend even more of your time ATTEMPTING TO WRITE THE HORROR and fail miserably while forcing others to READ the JUNK. In fact, the only reason you wear a SCARF is because you think it makes you look more like a WRITER OF THE HORROR. Your trolltag is noxiousSerpent and you like to 「Isolate your words with brackets because it's fancy.」
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Totalbitch Modus - It gives you an item when it feels like it. Which is practically never. Bitch.
Strife Specibus: Giantscissorkind
Lusus: Unicornbear - A giant bear with a unicorn horn
Title: Bard of Time
Land: Land of Chains and Clocktowers
Land Description: Hundreds of giant clocktowers held up above an abyss by even more chains of varying sizes. Bridges connect the clocktowers. The Chimera sleeps at the highest clocktower which can only be reached by going from tower to tower in a certain order. The clocks have a really steampunkesque feel, but there's a sun so yay. Light.
Consorts: Crows
Denizen: The Chimera
Dream Planet: Derse

Deoxyspine wrote:
Name: Lavielle Odyssein
Gender: Female
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: [ ]TTThisparticularshadeofbluEEE[ ]
trollTag: labyrinthinePerspective (ALPHA)
Appearance: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) 1189ff96d35d0de4fdb18e7e6ac586a3-d4cd9xj
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is LAVIELLE ODYSSEIN and you have a problem with PUZZLES AND MAZES AND THE LIKE. Especially TROLL RUBIK’S CUBES. Oh sweet Jegus how you love those. You especially love staring at the broken-up cubes of these puzzles that LITTER your FLOOR. Oh and the CROSSWORDS and MAZES you taped to your walls -- you can’t forget about those, either. You might have a PROBLEM, in fact, although you have convinced yourself that it is nothing more than a PASSING TREND in your still-immature mind. You vehemently deny the accusations that, while over at another’s hive, you tend to leave crumpled-up PUZZLES strewn about their homes as well... you also deny the fact that your NAME was hastily scrawled in your OWN HANDWRITING on the back of such “presents.” Nevertheless, you are generally a HAPPY (DELUDED) person. Unless you can’t solve one of your puzzles. Then, well, for the sake of the sanity of others, let’s just say that you take “RAEG” to an entirely new level. And CRYING. CRYING too. But that’s beside the point. You have a MULTITUDE of other hobbies, not including puzzle-solving. PUZZLE-MAKING, for instance. And then you like to READ too. Well, mainly books about PUZZLES but never mind that. You enjoy LEARNING, too, although others sometimes view your AVID CURIOSITY and OPEN MIND in a negative light, claiming you are a bit too PEPPY for their tastes. You also have a TALENT on which you pride yourself -- you can MIRROR-WRITE. It’s such a COOLKID TALENT, isn’t it. This simply means that, when writing something normally (using your left hand, mind you) your other hand write the same thing, but in a complete mirror image. It’s a TALENT, not a PROBLEM, okay? (Although it doesn’t seem to transfer well over text...) Good, now that that’s settled... Your trolltag is labyrinthinePerspective and
[ ]AAAughyou’resuchacoolkidlookatwhatyoucandoohwaityoucan’tfliptypedlettersawmaNNN[/]OOOhandyourwayoftypingshowsoffyouravidcuriositywithsquaresandtheir3-dimensionalcounterpartSSS[ ]

Sylladex Fetch Modus: Backpack Modus. (But not just any Backpack Modus -- this one is infested with Trolls, Goblins, and the like. Well, not exactly. It’s a virtual troll. Depending on what you wish to take out, you have to beat the riddle or puzzle he gives you. Depending on the size and importance of the item, the problems get significantly harder and harder. Sadly, even if you find the correct answer, he often decides to either violently destroy it in protest or inform you that he has lost the item that you need. Lovely.)

Strife Specibus: Scythekind (Specifically Lunar Scythe)

Lusus: A rather humanoid golden tabby tiger, meaning he can walk on his back legs with a rather upright posture for a surprising amount of time. Not that he even does this, though, so he’s a rather normal Lusus. His name is Calves, and he truly loves Lavielle like his own daughter. It also might be important to add that his stripes are not actual stripes in the conventional sense. The patterns on his fur shift from being that of crossword puzzles to labyrinth mazes to Sudoku, et cetera et cetera. So yes, Calves has puzzle fur. Oh, and he has three tails.

Title: Thief of Void

Land: Land of Cubism and Monochrome

Land Description: Basically, LOCAM is an ever-changing labyrinth within a cube-like base. There are no curved shapes here -- there are only monochromatically-shaded cubes. So many cubes. Once you enter this world, it’s rather difficult to escape, seeing as the walls, floors, and basically everything else shift constantly, making it rather easy to get lost. It’s not the ideal place to be, although it’s rather soothing to just sit there for a while, watching the occasional pulse of color crackle through the edges of the cubes... that is, until you realize that you’re not in the same spot that you were before. However, if you are skilled at puzzles and can map areas rather well, you might have a better shot at this.

Consorts: Three-Tailed Chameleons~

Denizen: Cerberus

Dream Planet: Derse

unit111 wrote:
Name: Xireila Sorixia
Gender: Female
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: indigo-ish
trollTag: Your trolltag is iridescentEngineer (Nine)
Appearance: You are just taller than an average sized troll for your age, if such a thing exists. You are also a slender troll with your long legs. Your grey skin seems to have a slight metallic tinge to it although you’d have to scrub off all the oil which has sunk into your skin in order to notice it more easily. You have very long, thick black hair but due to your favoured environment you have it tied back behind your head. Your fangs are a little shorter than average length but are not quite like the fangs other trolls have, such as the fact that yours are serrated; something you take pride in. Your horns are similar to your fangs coming out at the sides of your head and sloping upwards in a nice curve, both your horns are serrated on the inside edge and have barbed tips.
You spend a great deal of time engaging in your favourite hobbies which means you usually where very specific clothing such as lavender, it has to be lavender mind, working overalls which hang loose at the waist since wearing them all the way up to the neck would be a drag. Above that you wear a white tank top with your blood colour on the front as is customary. With those you wear brown close fitting calf length boots made from good, comfortable materials. Oh and you mustn’t forget your darkened goggles which sit atop your head and below your horns.
Sometimes you may be seen without your overalls and instead you may be wearing a skirt, since you believe they grant more freedom of movement, and one of your assorted tops which you wear only occasionally.
You are rarely seen without oil and polish stains since you can’t seem to stop it from spilling.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is XIREILA SORIXIA and you are not the most ADEPT OF TROLLS. You are mostly interested in THE ACTIVITIES OF THE WORKSHOP although you may stray into OTHER AREAS depending upon the time of day. You spend most of your time working on THIS PROJECT OR THAT which usually involves building MACHINES which usually HATE YOU or are GENERALLY DESTRUCTIVE anyway. Despite your MANY FAILURES sometimes you have had a RARE SUCCESS and so like any GOOD ENGINEER you persevere with your hobby regardless. Others say that you may be a little INSANE although this might be because your ROGUE TOASTERS have seized the ground floor of your Hive and so forced your hand into making a deal with the MYSTERIOUS FLYING MACHINE which lives in your tower. Despite the occasional problem with the MARAUDING ASSEMBLY CREWS you have managed to fortify your MULTI-PURPOSE WORKSHOP to prevent them getting you while you rest in your recuperation-cocoon. However, this SECURE AREA is often breached when your LATEST PROTO-TYPE goes on a rampage and breaks down yet another section of reinforced wall.
Other trolls say you should change your hobbies and stop trying to make more BLOOD-THIRSTY MACHINES but you ignore them since you enjoy your hobbies. You also rigorously deny their claims you keep turning their Hive machinery into SAVAGE MACHINES when you visit their hives.
Apart from your talents in mechanical engineering you also have a fascination with QUANTUM PHYSICS and with COOKING. Although your numerous quantum-selves, created by your delving into quantum physics tend to make life difficult whenever they can which usually leaves you SOBBING with frustration. Where cooking is concerned you have a SIMILAR REACTION since either the machines sabotage your kitchen or you POISON YOUR GUESTS with motor fluid.
Your final hobby is FLYING which you do when you are short of ideas and the MYSTERIOUS FLYING MACHINE is feeling tractable. You have a love of flying despite its tendency to CRASH into OTHER TROLLS, in fact you love to bounce off clouds whenever you get the chance. Though you must be careful in case the PYROPHILIAC SAM SYSTEM in your courtyard happens to catch sight of you.
When communicating with OTHER TROLLS the more socially adept can find you MANIPULABLE because you haven’t learn the finer aspects of socialising and are a little bit NAÏVE.
Your trolltag is iridescentEngineer and when you can gain access to your Hive’s communicator you speak With impeccable grammar since engineers must be precise however your G0D4ND0V3RL0RD communicator has a 4M4Z1NG4B1117YB17CH tendency to interrupt you with 4W350M3 terribly written PR0PH3C135 comments…
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Quantum-roulette Modus (Your dabbling into quantum physics has strained your Fetch Modus and you can now only withdraw items if you are prepared to play a game of quantum-roulette. Usually you do not win this game when you play against your quantum-selves; they’re better roulette players and you’re sure one of them rigs it.)
Strife Specibus: Arc-kind.
You prefer to fight with your workshop tools, using your Arc-Cutter and Arc-Welder for a variety of sinister purposes.
Lusus: Your Lusus is a Giant Ant who, when not digging mystery tunnels under your hive, is attempting to devour one of the various mechanical beings which live in your hive or drag them back to you for you to devour. Which you obviously can't do.
Title: Nymph of Life
Land: Land of Oil and Steel
Land Description: The Land of Oil and Steel is exactly what its name says it is. This huge chunk of pitted steel which is riddled with seas and reservoirs of Oil. For those who don’t find metal and oil aesthetically pleasing this land is quick to kill with boredom.
Consorts: Clay Golems.
Denizen: Emet (the first golem).
Dream Planet: Prospit

Dino wrote:
Name: Dacile Tareko
Gender: Female
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: Lavender
trollTag: obstinateFury [OF]
Appearance: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) 2i0vuw6 Because I suck, naturally. -_-; Thanks Darkles~
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is DACILE TAREKO. You are a VERY ANGRY PERSON a lot of the time. Because of this, you often retreat to your respiteblock to unleash your INNER RAGE upon the KICKBOXING EQUIPMENT you usually DESTROY quite EASILY. Yes that means you do indeed KICKBOX. You TRY not to show negative emotions around OTHERS, for fear of appearing WEAK and like a CRYBABY, as you do have the urge to CRY more often than you’d ADMIT to ANYONE, even your LUSUS, whom you ADORE. You have not filled any quadrants nor do you think anyone could love you, it is the LAST thing on your mind, and everything else is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT. Therefore you have a bit of a SELF-ESTEEM PROBLEM. You can be rather VIOLENT sometimes, and you SCARE YOURSELF with your rage, frequently thinking you are TOO DANGEROUS to be around, that or you are MENTAL, though these assumptions do not come to you often, only when you’ve done something AWFUL, mostly without meaning to. You often keep to yourself, and do not speak with others on a normal basis. In fact, you do not ever really see others face to face, because you are always in your respiteblock, working out to see if that solves your ANGER ISSUES, or at least CALMS YOU DOWN. You do not usually relax or have fun; you are normally quite serious and irritable about everything. //-You type in a rather civilized way despite your constant rage, and do indeed make fish puns, being a seadweller who hates water. Cod, who’s the glubbing idiot that fished up that idea?-\\
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Hopping Mad Modus: Dacile must break an item in order to retrieve and use said item from her Sylladex, the object remains broken and is therefore never of much use.
Strife Specibus: Fistkind, Footkind
Lusus: Kangaroomom is a large kangaroo-like lusus. She is very caring and is a great listener, though she does not respond to something said other than with actions, such as after listening to Dacile rant or cry, she would pat her back or hold her close in a hug. If she can talk, no one has heard her. She always seems to know exactly what Dacile wants or needs, and will not hesitate to bring it to her or do something for her if it is for her own good, even going so far as to do things Dacile may not appreciate. Such as locking her out of her hive, for example. She does have webbed hands and feet, not to mention gills of course, and will fight when something threatens her or her ‘child.’
Title: Sylph of Anger
Land: Land of Obstacles and Frustration
Land Description: LOOAF is pretty much a physical representation of Dacile’s problems. The ‘obstacles’ are either directly or indirectly related to things going through her mind or happening in interactions with others. They vary with the problem, and often frustrate her as she is not used to these kinds of confrontations, much less on her lonesome, as Kangaroomom is almost always there to help.
Consorts: Mockingbirds. ‘Cause y’know. They’re mocking her as they fly away because they’re not easy to attack.
Denizen: A pack of Furies
Dream Planet: Prospit

Bullet For My Valentine wrote:
Name: Gale Wood
Gender: Male (debatable)
Age: 13
chumHandle: homicidalPony (PHI)
Appearance: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) Rsedfd Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) 2nitt2e
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is GALE WOOD and you’re just a little DIFFERENT from most guys. You have a STRANGE love for MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, but would rather people didn’t KNOW about it. You’re pretty CHILL, but could talk BULLSHIT for HOURS and not get FUCKING TIRED. The only thing that will SHUT YOU THE FUCK UP is if someone mentions MLP: FiM, because heck, they might want to TEASE you about it and SHIT LIKE THAT so why bother talking? You can be really SHY when talking to people you don’t know, but your FRIENDS are quite EASY for you to TALK to. Actually, you aren’t even sure if they LIKE you and just won’t TELL you to FUCK OFF. Your room is FILLED with RAINBOW COLOURED SHIT and PONY PLUSHIES, especially ones of RAINBOW DASH, who is you IDOL. FUNNILY enough, PONIES and HORSES are your FAVOURITE ANIMALS EVER, but your FAVOURITE COLOUR is NOT the whole FUCKING RAINBOW it's actually ANY SHADE OF GREEN, but the DARKER the BETTER. Though you would not DARE ever show ANYONE your room, as FUCK that would be SHIT if they found out about all of this CRAP. You also have the TENDANCY to be a LITTLE BIT GAY, but you’d rather people wouldn’t MENTION that either because it’s FUCKING EMBARASSING.
Your CHUMHANDLE is homicidalPony and /] bro hooves 4lwy4ys surround your words [\
Sylladex Fetch Modus: RainbowRoullete- Each item is placed in one colour of the whole fucking rainbow based on whatever colour shows up the most on the item. Say it was a red and orange bike, and the frame of the bike was red while only some small orange patterns were in places, it would be placed in red. The problem is the modus doesn’t like to play fair, so occasionally fucks the shit up and puts them into the colours the items have least of. Or basically just puts them in random colours that the item has on it, so it’s a complete fucking guessing game where you’d need all the luck, all of it.
Strife Specibus: Umbrellakind, cause why the hell not?
Guardian: Sister
Title: Guard of Amity
Land: Land of Pegasus and Rainbows
Land Description: A large ‘field’ of clouds seemingly floating in the sky (when in actual fact the ground is just clouds), with rainbows almost EVERYWHERE. The Pegasus that live here can often be seen flying around for no fucking reason in particular.
Consorts: Pegasus
Denizen: The mythical Horse, the Kelpie.
Dream Planet: Derse

Joural wrote:
Name: Gloria Smith
Age: 13 years
chumHandle: timidGoliath (eight)
Appearance: She wears bright colours, most commonly yellow and orange. Her favorite shirt(the one she will wear at game start) has a black sword shape on it. her eyes are blue, and she is very pale. Her hair is a light reddish-brown. She almost always wears jeans, and boots are a must.
Interests and Hobbies: your name is Gloria Smith. a rather run-of-the-mill name, but then you are a very RUN-OF-THE-MILL GIRL. You live in the forest with your SISTER, who you LOVE VERY MUCH. In your free time you tend to CHOP TREES to keep your house warm. When you don't need wood, however, you do enjoy watching SCARY MOVIES, though afterwords you usually spend the night SHIVERING IN FEAR. You try to hide this from your sister. When something SCARES you while wandering through the forest, which happens MORE OFTEN than you care to admit, you usually end up BEATING IT WITH YOUR GAUNTLETS. Your GAUNTLETS are your prized possession, something your SISTER gave you WHEN YOU WERE 8. You type w-with a-a c-constant st-stutter, a-and n-never g-go a-above a-a murmur.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: When you pick up an item, it's first or second letter is matched with a mythological creature. When you want to use something, you just have to pick the creature it's matched with. However, it lets you pick up multiple things with the same first letter, and sometimes it matches based on first sound, not first letter. sometimes you swear it's just fucking with you.
Strife Specibus: Gauntletkind
Guardian: Older Sister
Title: Knight of Fear
Land: Land of Darkness and Trees
Land Description: essentially a giant forest, with foliage so thick that almost no light gets through to the ground below. The trees tend to be warped and giant, though some smaller, stunted and dead trees also exist.
Consorts: Dark-furred monkeys, with bright red eyes. They live in the tops of the trees, and their cities are inside hollowed out trees. They watch what happens below through the lowest level of leaves.
Denizen: Phobos, a giant pure black bat.
Dream Planet: Derse

Alexrose98 wrote:
Name: Alice Harper
Gender: Female
Chumhandle: steamInventor (SIX)
appearance: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) Scaled.php?server=818&filename=aliceharper
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is ALICE HARPER. You are MILDLY a COUNTRY GIRL, but not EXACTLY. You just REALLY LIKE THE OUTDOORS AND AUTUMN. You will also do almost ANYTHING FOR APPLES. But apples aren't the only cool thing... DOGS ARE ALSO COOL! BOOKS are a nice pastime... You prefer REALISTIC ones. The INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTON FASCINATES YOU, but you try to NOT TALK ABOUT IT TOO MUCH.... People might find it NERDY. Your chumhandle is steamInventor, - . -..- - And you alert people of messages using morse code . -. -.. - . - -..- -
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Telegraph. Stores the items in alphebtical order. However if you want to take ANYTHING OUT, you need to enter it's name in morse code! PAIN IN THE ASS!
Strife specibus: Shotgunkind
Guardian: Pet, Maxwell (bluh, crappy paint job)
Title: Seer of Life
Land: Land of steam and trees
Land description: Much like a country area with a few indicators of the industrial revolution, such as mines, locomotives, and factories. Besides that, yeah... Trees and country side forests.
Consorts: Blood hounds
Denizen: Grizzlebark, The forest bear
Dream planet: Prospit



Last edited by discordantCalculation on Wed 26 Oct 2011, 11:30 pm; edited 50 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:06 pm

If I do make another troll I'll probably go with that one I made the other day. XD
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:06 pm


EDIT: Also, shouldn't it be four or six kids? I mean, we usually end up going into a total shipping frenzy and it's easier with the same number of guys/girls.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:08 pm

Hmm. File me in for a Kid.

Although I will be the first to point out that we need an even number of Kids... Wait I'm not sure anymore. Curse you geek. Curse you.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:08 pm

I BEAT YOU TO IT, LEGS. HA. *Points at edit*
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:13 pm

Prospit and Derse are both pentagonal, in case you hadn't noticed. Also, I am wholeheartedly supporting interspecies screwing around. Which leaves room for the inevitable one or two FOREVVER ALONE people.

I'll be restricting everyone to one kid and one troll at the most until we find out the supply > demand.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:16 pm


I totally need my kid to get down with a lowblood. *IFHEJOINSTHATIS*
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:18 pm

So yeah.

I fully condone wild mass guessing until I return with slightly more details tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 10:26 pm

I'll probably make a jadeblood or a seadweller for my Troll.

And then... Umm... I have a character I could use... Or several. I'm hesitant to use them though... But, if need be, I could use 'em. Until then, I'll try to come up with an original Kid.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 11:22 pm

So story and stuff. Adding to OP.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 11:26 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeTue 04 Oct 2011, 11:43 pm

Google Homestuck, as I don't appear to be allowed to post links.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 4:48 pm

No, epic fail is MY job.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 5:44 pm

Honestly, Flee, I can't really say I care what your self-assigned job may or may not be.

I feel this way about a number of things, but there are a few things (such as this) that I don't care about enough to talk about. That sentence made no sense, nor did it properly convey what I meant to say.

Either way, if you aren't going to join or even ask what this is about, then leave.

That was probably a little harsh. So, you know, just... bye.

I'm adding sheets to the OP as soon as I finish my kid, which will take not too long.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 10:33 pm

Name: Lyon Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years
chumHandle: damnedArbiter (DELTA)
Appearance: -Working- 
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is LYON WINTERS, and you are rather DEPRESSING TO BE AROUND. -More in the works, such as READING.- 
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Chess Modus (he must win a game of chess to retrieve something) 
Strife Spcibus: Canekind
Guardian: (Their supposed relation to your character, their name if they have one, and their appearance if they're going to be important.)
Title: Prince of Death
Land: Land of ___ and ___ 
Land Description: (I dont need much here.)
Consorts: (As this will be a fairly good indicator of what a normal SBURB game is, both consorts and a denizen are necessary.)
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 10:57 pm

Well, he sounds fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 11:06 pm

Name: Lyon Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years
chumHandle: damnedArbiter (DELTA)
Appearance: Lyon is a rather willowy, sickly-looking Kid. He is five foot nine and still growing quickly, and thus always seems a little-undernourished. His pale skin is pulled taut over his bones, giving him a rather creepy appearance, yet somehow noble. His eyes are sunk into his head a little, and his violent purple eyes are rather scary as they flick around, taking everything in like a dying man. His pale violet hair is nearly cut and falls down to the middle of his neck (how he got it that color is beyond me). He typically wears a dark purple t-shirt with a black skull on it, neat black jeans, and black and purple shoes. 
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is LYON WINTERS, and you are rather DEPRESSING TO BE AROUND. You have an impressive BOOK COLLECTION, ranging from the greats of the past (The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Rings, etc) to the works of today (LIST OF BOOKS HERE), which lines the walls of your home. You have a slight obsession with the subject of DEATH, and have studied it extensively using every resource you can get your hands on. You have been a tad bit INSANE ever since your Father passed away of a sickness, yet you are in such a STATE OF DENIAL that you believe he still lives. You have STOPPED ATTENDING SCHOOL some time ago, and are currently living off of the INTERNET and CANNED SOUP. 
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Chess Modus (he must win a game of chess to retrieve something) 
Strife Specibus: Canekind
Guardian: Father, deceased (Although Lyon believes he is still alive for some reason.)
Title: Prince of Death
Land: Land of Shade and Plague
Land Description: LoSaP is a huge forest planet, cloaked in shadows. All the trees are either dying or in various stages of decay. Mind you, these trees are often bigger than cities.
Consorts: Locusts 
Denizen: Grim Reaper
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 11:14 pm

discordantCalculation wrote:
Well, he sounds fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 11:19 pm






Sorry, caps lock was stuck.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeWed 05 Oct 2011, 11:26 pm

Earth's First Guardian is actually probably going to end up doing a lot of that.

But that was my intention for him anyways.

Sorry about that; he's accepted and is now going into the OP because I suck at this whole remembering that I'm in charge of this.

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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Oct 2011, 6:48 am

Your chumhandle is damnedArbiter, and you y__r w_rds s__m _ l_ttl_... H_ll_w.

Although, this brings up an interesting question... How does he write his own chumhandle when logging in?
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Oct 2011, 8:30 am

That applies to most quirks.

Terezi's should be g4llowsC4l1br4tor, if not G4LLOWSC4L1BR4TOR.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Oct 2011, 2:57 pm

So, since I assume you will wish to update the OP to include his text color and quirk, I shall repost the sheet.

Name: Lyon Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years
chumHandle: damnedArbiter (DELTA)
Appearance: Lyon is a rather willowy, sickly-looking Kid. He is five foot nine and still growing quickly, and thus always seems a little-undernourished. His pale skin is pulled taut over his bones, giving him a rather creepy appearance, yet somehow noble. His eyes are sunk into his head a little, and his violent purple eyes are rather scary as they flick around, taking everything in like a dying man. His pale violet hair is nearly cut and falls down to the middle of his neck (how he got it that color is beyond me). He typically wears a dark purple t-shirt with a black skull on it, neat black jeans, and black and purple shoes. 
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is LYON WINTERS, and you are rather DEPRESSING TO BE AROUND. You have an impressive BOOK COLLECTION, ranging from the greats of the past (The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Rings, etc) to the works of today (LIST OF BOOKS HERE), which lines the walls of your home. You have a slight obsession with the subject of DEATH, and have studied it extensively using every resource you can get your hands on. You have been a tad bit INSANE ever since your Father passed away of a sickness, yet you are in such a STATE OF DENIAL that you believe he still lives. You have STOPPED ATTENDING SCHOOL some time ago, and are currently living off of the INTERNET and CANNED SOUP. Your chumhandle is damnedArbiter, and you y__r w_rds s__m _ l_ttl_... H_ll_w.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Chess Modus (he must win a game of chess to retrieve something) 
Strife Specibus: Canekind
Guardian: Father, deceased (Although Lyon believes he is still alive for some reason.)
Title: Prince of Death
Land: Land of Shade and Plague
Land Description: LoSaP is a huge forest planet, cloaked in shadows. All the trees are either dying or in various stages of decay. Mind you, these trees are often bigger than cities.
Consorts: Locusts 
Denizen: Grim Reaper
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Oct 2011, 7:08 pm

Name: Kiyalla Shaodin
Gender: Female
Age: 6 solar sweeps
Blood Color: This.
trollTag: oceanicEnchantress
Appearance: Kiyalla... Umm... I'll draw her. Because I suck at describing Trolls.
Interests and Hobbies: Your name is KIYALLA SHAODIN, and you are a PRODIGIOUS WITCH. As a seadweller with magic, you have a lovely collection of OLD BOOKS, WANDS, and various IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLES. Like a 50-SIDED RUBIX... SHAPE. You enjoy TESTING YOUR INTELLECT against your more intelligent friends, especially Lyon, who is one of FEW PEOPLE to have ever RIVALED YOUR WIT. You can be a little bit DRAMATIC and have a MASSIVE EGO. Despite these facts, you like to believe that you are a NICE TROLL. Nice Troll... Very nice Troll. Your trolltag is oceanicEnchantress and your quirk should leave no one doubting your vastly superior intellect. Also, the obligatory fish puns.
Sylladex Fetch Modus: Crossword Modus
Strife Specibus: Wandkind
Lusus: A large octopus she calls Dr. Tentacles
Title: Witch of Flame
Land: Land of Storms and Waves
Land Description: A huge ocean world caught up in a constant storm. 
Consorts: Sea Turtles
Denizen: Leviathan

Humans and Trolls exist together right?
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Join date : 2011-10-03
Age : 28

Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Oct 2011, 7:47 pm

Unless you intend to have your troll be God Tier, your troll will not be alive by the time the humans begin playing Homestuck.

We'll probably be able to have slightly more of a kids!intro, in which we could do a sort of way-down-the-road Adultstuckish situation.

So you'll probably want to fix that little detail before I add her. The trolls won, but they will not have known the humans before their session of SGRUB.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC)   Fatesealed OOC (GO POST IC) I_icon_minitime

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